
1 Personal Year | March is a 4 Personal Month

March brings forth the determined and efficient vibes of the number 4.

Now is the moment to buckle up and dig in. This month is more serious and requires you to consider yourself, your wants, and your requirements seriously.

This month is about effort—the more you do something productive rather than merely think or postpone, the more solid and expansive results you’ll get.

The 4’s energy can feel like cold water on your face. Wake up and move. There’s work.

This month, you can use the 4’s helpful energy to study something new or increase your understanding of something you’re passionate about.

Use this month to attend a class, read a few books, or teach others what you know.
If you experience a cycle ruled by 4, you may have the chance to work through old family difficulties in a new way and heal deeply.

So expect some of that this month.

Effective management, supervision, and organisation are the focus of March.

Prepare to negotiate contracts or agreements on March 13th or 15th, but be flexible.

Ask friends, family, and coworkers for help. Know that you can’t do everything alone. You must take responsibility for whatever you do, but you’ll miss out if you don’t ask for new ideas or unique proposals.

Remember that the 1 Personal Year is about being selfish and focusing on your own wants, needs, desires, and dreams.
This year, you prioritise yourself over family, significant other, friends, and the peanut gallery.

You want what? Who are YOU? How do you take charge and go forward with what you honestly, wildly, and deeply want in life right now?

Also, the March 4 mood can bring emotions of limitation that can be oppressive or stifling. Even the most straightforward bug, challenge, or issue might become a monster out to get you.

Step back and get a new perspective this month.
When things get heavy, and you feel exhausted or exasperated, find humor or laugh at yourself. Find the humour in your month-long efforts. Pace is the key.

Your workload should lighten significantly around March 28th—yay! This may be due to project completion or commitment release.

In March, be serious and force yourself to define your goals as you head into your year of new beginnings and fresh starts.

Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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