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10 - Scythe

Cuts, accidents, something being cut out, the unexpected, a warning, death, scissors, and a scythe define this article.

What Does Scythe Mean?
Scythe is a very dangerous card because it does a lot of damage quickly. It’s like the coffin in that it represents the end of things. However, Scythe is not the same as Coffin because the ends of Scythe are quick and surprising.

Like the Coffin card, the Scythe Lenormand card can also mean death. The Lenormand Scythe card typically implies something bad.

Scythe can tell you about any accident, not just ones that end in death. These mistakes could be small or dangerous depending on the cards around them and the situation. Cuts will show up as a Scythe. If you like arts and crafts and scrapbooking, be careful.

Scythe can stand for sharp things, cutting, knives, etc. In a Lenormand reading, Scythe can tell you about surgeries or medical treatments.

Even though the Scythe card can mean sharp items or death, it usually means something more abstract. If Scythe appears in your reading, something will be taken away from you quickly and without notice. So, this card is not suitable for relationships, especially if you often choose partners who break up with you at the drop of a hat.

Specific Meanings of the Scythe
What Does Scythe Love reading Mean: A scythe can mean your relationship is over. Scythe can also mean that the person you want to date is unsuitable.

Seeing a scythe in a job reading could mean you will have an accident at work. It’s also possible for Scythe to tell you that you will be fired or fired from a project or job.

Scythe Business Meaning: Your company needs extra care if you see a scythe in a business reading.

Scythe Positive Meaning: Seeing a scythe can be good if it means that something bad will be taken care of quickly, like a roadblock or an obstacle.

Negative Meaning of Scythe: The scythe is generally seen in a scary way and warns of sudden endings, accidents, and sudden changes, even death.

The Scythe as a Person: The card makes me think of someone who loves Halloween, so I read it as that. Scythe has traditionally been linked to surgeons, dentists, and others who can do treatments.

The Scythe card is number nine, so it tells you that something will happen in nine days, nine weeks, nine months, or nine years. The scythe can also stand for October and Halloween.

When planning events, though, keep Scythe’s meaning in mind—it means quick, surprising things will happen. What does Scythe usually mean? It means that everything will happen when you least expect it.

Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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