

People will gossip, make small talk, make real-time contact, and use social networking, social media, twins, an older couple, birds, and social networking.

What Birds Mean in General
If there is a card for making friends, it’s Birds. Social media didn’t exist when Lenormand was made. But these days, social media and making material are things, and Birds is used to show that. When talking to people online is essential, Lenormand fans pull the Birds card.

Birds have always been the card of small talk and chat. These talks will happen quickly, unlike the Rider or the Letter. Because the Birds are quick and easy to connect with, this is the best card for texting. However, talks like these can happen in person, so don’t rule out a more participatory style.

As you might guess, Birds are the card of rumors. Gossip is not always harmful, and sometimes it’s just fun. When you read, keep these meanings in mind.

Birds can sometimes mean an older couple or a set of twins. In family readings, birds usually mean an older couple. In baby readings, birds generally mean twins.

Meanings of readings in different spreads:

Birds Love Meaning: If you see birds, it means that you and your partner are talking to each other or that you will meet a new lover online.

Career Meaning for Birds: Birds will stand for small talk at work and stories told around the coffee machine.

Birds Business Meaning: If you’re a business owner, seeing birds can mean you depend on social media marketing a lot. This card can sometimes mean rumours about your business.

Birds Positive Meaning: Birds can mean harmless rumours or fun social media use in a positive reading.

Birds Negative Meaning: When reading negatively, birds usually mean malicious rumours. Birds can also tell you will have to deal with too much social media.

As a Person: Birds can stand for twins or an older couple. Birds can stand for someone who spends too much time on social media.

Birds are linked to time frames with twelve numbers, like twelve weeks, twelve months, twelve days, or December. Birds can sometimes mean that something will happen in the morning.

The beautiful deck is available at www.zenithnumero.com

Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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