
Rahu(4) in the day and Sun(1) in the total-Jan 13 2021

Birth date

Date 13/01/2021, 4 in birthdate is ruled by Rahu. Order and Construction, systematic, practical, down to earth, steady, calm, efficient, serious, scientific, application, responsible, industrious, honest, faithful, and determined are the key words.

Alphabets Allotted: D, M, and T

Best Direction: Southwest

Best Profession: Politicians, Lawyers, Planners, Reformists, Lawmakers, Engineers, Builders, Contractors.

Number 4’s are not the initiators, but when the outlines have been framed you carry out your work seriously in any field. You maintain high standards of honesty and concentration. Love to work and hate idleness. You are not selfish and are called upon many times by others to take responsibility for others. Sincere, helpful, and straightforward. You love your family and parents. Look for security both in business and family life. Do not like sudden changes. Being slow and very systematic you cannot cope with quickness and speed.


You lack imagination and seem stubborn. Argumentative, extreme seriousness and dominance are the aspects which make you slow and unprogressive. Live and let Live.

Lucky dates, colours and gemstones

#Good dates 4, 13, 22 and 31. #Good days are Saturday and Sunday. #Lucky colours. #Blue, grey and khaki. Gemstones #Hessonite.

Significance of Number 13

It is a number of practical, alert and dependable person. You can easily go to the depth of the matters and can be successful in scientific research or occult sciences. Use perseverance and determination.

Destiny Number:
Destiny or Life Path number is 1, ruled by Sun. Destiny 1’s are a very good number. You are known for your forbearance, patience, organizational abilities, and persistence. Idealistic, courteous, kind, helpful, and popular. Competitive by nature. You are all about power. Often become great leaders. Become good entrepreneurs, freelancers, generals, commanders, CEO’s, and producers.

Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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