Birth date
Date 22/12/2020, 4 in birthdate is ruled by Rahu. Corresponds to Cancer, the 4th sign of the Zodiac. Practicality, Application, Loyalty, Rigidity, Repression.
It is the number of reliability and steadfastness, practical and down to earth. You are earthy in humour and life, robust and strong, and enduring and plucky. You enjoy the good tings in life in abundance and like to indulge yourselves. Hedonist by nature. You have great loyalty to both people and ideas.
Alphabets Allotted: D, M and T
Best Direction: Southeast
Best Profession: Politicians, Lawyers, welfare planners, law makers, electrical and machinery business, Trade and transport business
Negative Traits:
Suspicious, slow progression, delays, dominating, stubborn, vindictive, doubtful and unbelieving in nature.
Lucky dates, colours and gemstones
#Good dates 4, 13, 22, and 31. #Good days Saturday, Sunday and Monday.#Lucky colours Electric Blue, Grey, White, Maroon. #Lucky Gemstones Dark or light blue sapphire, Hessonite.
Significance of Number 22
22 is composed of double Moon giving 4(Rahu).This is the number of the specialist and the mystic, practical, systematic, hard working.
Destiny Number:
Destiny or Life Path number is 11/2, ruled by Moon. It is a master number(11), which totals to 2. Involves a super intelligence that encompasses few. On this path you will find intuition, idealism, revelation. Very selective of your friends, warming to very few. Hard to live with, not always showing the necessary patience and understanding. Suffer from superiority complex, imposition of self will upon others and dishonesty. It is a very tense and high powered number to live under. The number 11 can of course be reduced to 2 for any who find this master number too hard to cope with.
Tarot Guidance
#The Hierophant
The focus is on establishments, organisations, groups or structures or critical figures you align yourself with. Want to establish a deeper bond with someone. Romance will enter your life but the relationship will not get off the ground. Do not allow yourself to be pulled under.
#Pic Courtesy: Pinterest