
6 Personal Year | March is a 9 Personal Month

What does the number 9 mean to you right now? It helps you say goodbye to things that are holding you back from moving forward on a large scale.
As we move into the 9th month of your 6th personal year, the surrender or change you go through this month will be closely linked to the themes of your 6th personal year, which are home, family, relationships, and duty.

When the number 9 shows up in a cycle, like it does in March, your Personal Month, it’s time to let go and go with the flow of things you can’t control right now.

In March, acceptance is very important to you.
When March comes around, your “9” experience will be most closely linked to your relationship(s). The Universe will support you and help you get rid of things that aren’t working for you.

There’s also the chance that you’ll find out what’s not working for a key person in your life, which will then affect you. This person could be a friend, a romantic partner, or a coworker who comes to the table with new ideas or needs or wants in the relationship.

Take some time around March 19th or March 28th to look at some family problems and think about how you’d like them to end or turn into something better.

There are many small moments in March that are meant to help you come to terms with certain things so that April can bring you new experiences that wouldn’t fit into your life if you don’t get rid of what needs to go this month.

March is full of events that connect to the themes of your 6 Personal Year, which are home, love, and commitment.
Several issues that have been open since the start of the year are expected to be solved this month.

Between March 9th and 27th, you might even finish up some business matters, which will give you a pleasant surprise of comfort and closure.

That being said, March does bring some extra heat. When the number 9 shows up, it means that things are coming to a close. Get ready to face what you need to face and make choices that will help you in the long run. Now is the time to really see the bigger picture.

You should know that the energy of the number 6 helps your long-term goals and your creative and imaginative work. You may have a better intuitive sense of what needs to be let go of at this time.

On March 18, the end or strengthening of a close relationship could make you feel very emotional. This could be with a lover, friend, or work partner.

You will have to really think about what you want to keep and what you want to get rid of this whole year.
It all starts with you. What are you? What do you need? Are you having a good time with the most important person in your life, yourself?

People sometimes give the number 9 a bad name when it’s in a cycle, like this month when it’s your personal number 9. Because the number 9 wants you to give up, it’s a lot like an astronomical eclipse in that way. It shows what’s really going on behind the current front. It gets rid of the things in our lives that need to be cleaned up.

It can feel sudden at times. As we go through the changes, it can be hard and cause pain or worry.

When we’re ready and willing to let go of what we’re being asked to let go of, this energy can also work the most powerful magic. Dreams can come true, but we have to change who we are and how we act for that to happen.

Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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