How to calculate Life Path:
Let’s take the birthday as 22/04/1995. Life Path(LP) is the sum total of the Birth Date, Birth Month, and full Birth Year.
22+4+1995= 4+4+6= 14= 5. This child’s LP is 5.
Today will talk about LP 1:
1 Life Path: If you’ve got a 1 Life Path child, here are some basics:
LIFE’S PURPOSE is to develop his/her sense of leadership, creativity, self-confidence, individuality, independence, and achievement. Your child will have difficulties with developing and acting upon these very areas.
WHAT you ought to KNOW: Your child is here to follow his/her unique voice and vision within the world. They are creative, innovative thinkers, have an entrepreneurial spirit, and are here to lead.
CHALLENGES: Children with a 1 Life Path may be challenged with a three-step process that goes like this: They’ll see that they feel dependent in ways which they don’t like, so they’ll respond by rebelling in whatever way they will so as to seek out and influence their own sense of identity and independence. When they’ve mastered that in a very healthy way, then they’re on to achievement within the material world. The 1 Life Path child is supposed to forge ahead and be a pacesetter – yet there will be many “failures” on the journey. Your child will have to find out how to use failure as fuel and to recover with gusto instead of being ground down into an angry, victimized person.
You’ll need to work with them in these areas: Getting them to see other’s points of view. The 1 Life Path is fairly self-centered. They tend to be impatient and wish assistance in developing patience. Your child will struggle with his/her sense of confidence.
Here are a couple of ways in which you can support your 1 Life Path child :
Allow healthy competition. Your child thrives in a competitive environment, so supporting their abilities therein prepares them for a lifetime of leadership and achievement.
Encourage physical activity. Or else it will explode in inappropriate ways.
Often your child must be left alone to figure out an issue. Allow time and space to work it out on their own instead of swooping in and fixing it for them. This teaches your child the way to manage problems, affect failure, and develop their own creative problem-solving skills. Praise their ability to “fail” and recover with positive enthusiasm.
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