
Birthdate 8(Saturn) in the energy of 3(Jupiter)


Date 26/09/2020, 8 in #Birthdate is ruled by #Saturn. It brings obstruction, delay, humiliation
, enmity, lawsuits and prison. It makes people lonely, pessimistic and subject to premature ageing.

Number 8 people are confident and determined. Natives are highly misunderstood even by their close friends and relatives. Hardworking and accept challenges readily. Your lives are unpredictable. Unexpected changes keep them busy adjusting to the new circumstances. You have a solitary nature and lack humour. Also aspire for great success. Materialists and financial security is the aim but still do not run after money. Though not religious, you attain deep states of meditation.


Avoid drugs and intoxicants.

Avoid being revengeful.

Avoid lethargy, isolation and passivity.

Lucky dates, colours and Gemstones

#Good dates 8, 17, 26. #Good days are #Saturday. #Lucky colours #Black, dark blue#Gemstone Blue Sapphire, amethyst, lapis lazuli, black pearl.

Significance of compound no. 26
Number 26 people dependent on others as both the numbers have this characteristic. Aquire top positions in the latter part of their lives.

Destiny Number

Destiny number 3 is ruled by Jupiter. It is not a good destiny number.  Makes people work hard and develop stress and strains.Creates chaos in their lives. But they are strongly built mentally and come out of all chaos and difficulties victorious.

Tarot Guidance

#Card of the day #Seven of Wands.Do what’s necessary to make a relationship work. Difficulties can be resolved. Stand your ground and don’t get into a conflict over money or possessions.
www.lipibanerjee.com For more insightful #numerology tips #Like, #Follow and #Share with #BirthdayBoy or #BirthdayGirl whose #Birthday is today. #BirthdayNumerology #todayismybirthday #DateNumerology #numbersritual
Pic courtesy: Pinterest

Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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