
Birthday 7 in the day and Destiny 5 in the sum total

Birth date

Date 16/12/2020, 7 in birthdate is ruled by Ketu. Corresponds to Libra, the 7th sign of the Zodiac. Divinity, Occultism, Spirituality, Mental Analysis, Wisdom, Perfectionism, Harmony and Suppression.

Alphabets Allotted: O and Z.


Leaders  in world affairs and seekers of the truth. You love the underdog and will fight to death in the name of righteousness. Temperamental with a leaning towards occult and spiritualism.

Best Direction: Northwest

Best Profession: Film makers, Teachers, Actors, Artists, Singers, Authors, Lawyers, Numerologists, Social Reformers, Scientists, Inventors, Arbitrators.

Negative Traits:

Whimsical, despondent, restless, prone to give in to unfounded and unjustified fears and suspicions. Sarcastic, isolated, inflexible and overly upset by distractions.

Lucky dates, colours and gemstones

#Good dates 7, 16 and 25. #Good days Sunday, Monday and Wednesday.#All shades of green, yellow, cream and white.#Gemstone Moonstone and Cat’s eye

Significance of Number 16

16 is a Karmic compound. It is composed of the Sun 1 and Venus 6. Sun and Venus are natural enemies. 16th born people  have to face many problems in life. Ketu  veils the power of discrimination. Sun gives idealism and Venus makes you hedonistic. 16 is calm on the outside but is in turmoil inside.

Destiny Number:
Destiny or Life Path number is 5, ruled by Mercury. Very good destiny number that an individual can have.Successful businessmen, entertainers, actors, gamblers, publishers, authors are some of the professions. Money comes to you easy, be it through your marriage, profession, inheritance, lotteries or speculation.Have happy married lives. You are happy by temperament, alert, quick, witty, gentle and kind.You are all about freedom.

Tarot Guidance:

#The Magician

New beginnings, manifesting desires, houses or property, finance and the future. Will become more goal oriented or motivated and will have the wherewithal to attract whatever is needed for your work environment. You are going to begin again on a new foot, or with a new partner.

#Pic Courtesy: Pinterest

Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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