
Birthday Mars with day of Rahu


Date 27/09/2020, 9 in #Birthdate is ruled by #Mars. It is considered a malefic planet. People become short tempered, argumentative, unstable cruel and violent. Mars is related to blood, muscular system and the bone marrow. Rules over courage of a person.


Number 9 is a fighter and fight their way towards the top in any field. Inner defence mechanism is very strong and already anticipate opposition. You like to finish a dispute at that very moment and do not ponder over it. Outspoken and volatile in nature. Free, frank, fearless and impulsive. Good organisers and able administrators. Born with leadership abilities.


Avoid anger.

Avoid arrogance.

Avoid aggressiveness

Lucky dates, colours and Gemstones

#Good dates 9, 18, 27. #Good days are #Tuesday and Friday. #Lucky colours #All shades of Red and Pink.#Gemstone Coral, also Carnelian, Red Jasper, Red Agate.

Significance of compound no. 27
Number 27 is a combination of two opposites, 2 and 7. This provides them with initiative and inexhaustible energy. Both numbers are very good for making plans. Though the numbers are very dependent on others but if they somehow become independent can perform all jobs successfully.

Destiny Number

Destiny number 4 is ruled by Rahu. It is not a very good destiny number. Burdened by heavy responsibilities and duties with no choice but to carry them out. Have enough stamina and strength. Rahu gives dissatisfaction to the native.

Tarot Guidance

#Card of the day #Knight of Pentacles. This card symbolises land or other property. Be practical with money and stabilise your financial situation. Knight represents a honest, dependable individual.
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Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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