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Fox – 14

October 8, 2024/

Keywords: Work, job, sneakiness, con artists, rivals, cleverness, originality, creativity, fraud, woodland animals, and foxes. What Does Fox Mean?The Fox is a tricky card, and one of its meanings is “trickery.” At first glance, it looks like the card of work, job, and career, which is a balanced reading. On the other hand, though, it’s…

Child: 13

September 30, 2024/

Those words include kids, little ones, silly, innocent, new starts, beginnings, youth. General Meaning of ChildAs you can guess, the Child card is for kids. These kids could be older (teenagers) or newborns (look for a stork!). This card isn’t always a real child, but it can sometimes represent someone who acts like a child.…


September 19, 2024/

People will gossip, make small talk, make real-time contact, and use social networking, social media, twins, an older couple, birds, and social networking. What Birds Mean in GeneralIf there is a card for making friends, it’s Birds. Social media didn’t exist when Lenormand was made. But these days, social media and making material are things,…

Whip – 11

September 2, 2024/

Things that happen over and over: pain, fights, trouble, discord, physical abuse, sports, whips. What Whip Means in GeneralOne of the main things Whip stands for is things that happen repeatedly. You keep going back to that bad relationship. You know that bad habit you can’t seem to break? That job you quit and then…

10 – Scythe

August 28, 2024/

Cuts, accidents, something being cut out, the unexpected, a warning, death, scissors, and a scythe define this article. What Does Scythe Mean?Scythe is a very dangerous card because it does a lot of damage quickly. It’s like the coffin in that it represents the end of things. However, Scythe is not the same as Coffin…

Bouquet – 9

August 5, 2024/

Often referred to as Flowers as well, Keywords: gratitude, beauty, happiness, gifts, present value, invitation, delight, conventional values, flowers. General Bouquet MeaningIf you consider a bouquet a present, you will find it really easy to understand. Imagine a man presenting a floral gift to a woman whenever this card flashes. Clearly, the present can be…


July 27, 2024/

Keywords: Something being laid to rest, delayed endings, sicknesses, death, something from the past, a ghost, a coffin. GENERAL COFFIN MEANINGThe Coffin is the card of endings. For this reason, Lenormand readers frequently interpret it as a symbol of death. When the card takes on a morbid tone, it indicates that the death was unavoidable…

The Mythological Story of Mars and Its Significance in Astrology

July 23, 2024/

In Roman mythology, Mars is the god of war, known for his fierce and aggressive nature. He is the son of Juno and Jupiter, and his counterpart in Greek mythology is Ares. Mars was revered as a symbol of military power and strength, embodying both the brutality and honor of warfare. He was also seen…


July 22, 2024/

Keywords: secret foes, dishonesty, deceit, seduction, fake friends, backstabbers, cheaters, manipulation, a serpent. GENERAL SNAKE MEANINGThe snake stands in for adversaries. Sometimes, you will be aware of an adversary in the sense that you will fight with them continuously. Other times, you could have a phony buddy who you do not suspect, and this individual…


July 18, 2024/

Keywords: uncertainty, ambiguity, the weather, difficulties, complications, clouds, rain, negative air. Broad clouds meaningOne of the simplest Lenormand cards to understand is clouds, as 99% of the time, they will convey hesitation and doubt. This card will indicate, in your reading, that you will be perplexed with the scenario you are reading (probably!). Like the…

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Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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