Birth date
Date 02/01/2021, 2 in birthdate is ruled by Moon. It represents Gentleness of nature, imagination, Artistic and romantic and an inherent duality. 2 corresponds to Taurus, the 2nd zodiac sign. Mother, Passivity, Duality, Receptivity, Creativity.
Alphabets Allotted: B, K and R
Best Direction: Northwest
The 2 are intuitive, restless, unsettled and dependent on others. You live more in the mind and less in action. Being natives of the Moon you have a fertile imagination, high idealism and a dreamy nature. You fantasise and build castles in the air. Should learn to be practical if you want material success. You are an efficient executer of plans made by others. Your creativity and imagination comes into operation in the execution of your tasks.
Best Professions: Fine Arts, Actors, Spiritual Leaders, Medical Professions, Agriculture, Naturo therapy, Diplomats, Arbitrators.
Negative Traits
You lack continuity in your thoughts and hence find it very difficult to peruse any line of action as you keep on changing your mind ever so often. Fickle minded, moody and undependable.
Lucky dates, colours and gemstones
#Good dates 2, 11, 20 and 29. #Good days Monday.#Lucky Colours Yellow, Orange, Copper. #Gemstone Pale green stones, Moonstones, Pearls. Also Crystal Quartz.
Destiny Number:
Destiny or Life Path number is 8, ruled by Saturn. This is the path of power, authority, material and financial gains, success in all material aspects. You will be generous and dependable.There is outstanding inner strength and courage. 8 is the number of Karma, associated with Saturn. Need to control, love of power, money, intolerance, abuse, revenge.
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