
Combination of Mercury and Mars


Date 14/09/2020, 5 in #Birthdate is ruled by #Mercury. It is related to the respiratory system, nervous system, speech, education and intelligence. Mercury is friendly with the Sun, Venus, Rahu and Ketu. Saturn, Mars and Jupiter are neutral. Mercury feels enmity towards Moon but it’s not true the other way round. Mercury is a planet of mixed temperament and has a dual nature.


You have gentle and fragile character.Scholars by nature, your brains are always active. Love amusement and are jovial. You are quick in your decisions and also impulsive. Very intuitive in nature. Born orators and lovers of fine arts, you are soft spoken and tender hearted. Very easily attracted to astrology, palmistry and other such studies.


Stop hurrying all the time.

Avoid being fatalistic.

Be less obstinate.


Lucky dates, colours and Gemstones

#Good dates 5, 14, 23. #Good days are #Wednesday and Friday. #Lucky colours #All shades of green, turquoise, smokey grey and white.#Gemstone Emerald..

Significance of compound no. 14

14’s are a combination of two opposites that are attracted to each other. And this number is of risk and fear.  These two numbers are not compatible.14’s suffer from inner conflict. You have to suffer from incorrect assessments of future many times in life.

Destiny Number

Destiny number is 9 ruled by Mars. It is a good destiny number. But these people are short tempered, angry and quarrelsome. 9 and 5 have a strange relationship. 9 is an enemy of 5 but 5 is neutral to 9. They generate good energy when they approach each other.

Tarot Guidance

#Card of the day #Four of Cups(same as yesterday)

Question related to relationship of any sorts, this card depicts dissatisfaction, depression and boredom. Not much motivation to stay in the relationship. Chances of a get together or gathering to brighten things up.

All the #birthdayboys and #birthdaygirls, do you relate to this?
www.lipibanerjee.com For more insightful #numerology tips #Like, #Follow and #Share with #BirthdayBoy or #BirthdayGirl whose #Birthday is today. #BirthdayNumerology #todayismybirthday #DateNumerology #numbersritual

Pic Courtesy: Google

Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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