
Humanitarian 9 and the fun loving 5

Birth date

Date 27/10/2020, 9 in birthdate is ruled by Mars. Love of Brotherhood and Divinity. Selfness ness, forgiveness, humanitarianism, compassion, charitable, tolerance, generosity, broadminded, charitable, spiritual and unorthodox are few of the key words associated with this number.

Number 9’s possess the leadership of 1, peace of 2, creativity of 3, order and construction of 4, growth and progress of 5, love and responsibility of 6, intellect of 7, power and judgement of 8 and humanitarianism of 9. Impersonal and working without a motive or desire you provide true service to mankind. You have a charming personality. Good companions, popular and like to enjoy in life. Whenever you work for the cause of others bring wonderful results for them as well as for you.


You are moody and impulsive. At times you can become selfish, possessive, intolerant and even deceptive.
Lucky dates, colours and gemstones

#good dates 9, 18,27. #good days are #Tuesday  and Friday. Lucky colours #All shades of red and pink. Gemstones #Coral. Carnelian, Red agate and Jasper.

Destiny Number:
Destiny or Life Path number is 5, ruled by Mercury. It is a good destiny number. Brings gentleness, wisdom, intuition, insight, happiness, alertness and good luck. You are logical, rational and systematic. Brings you recognition in your field of work. On the flip side, you can become very irresponsible in your decisions and tasks. Undependable and self serving.

Significance of the compound number 27.
This number is a combination of two strong opposites, 2 and 7, Moon and Ketu. And the sum total is 9, ruled by Mars. Gives great initiative, inexhaustible energy, powerful, commanding and authoritative. Both the numbers are emotional and intuitive. You just need to become independent and develop stability, and can achieve success.

Tarot Guidance:

#Nine of swords.

This card suggests fear and negativity may be preventing your success. Stop seeing yourself as a victim and worrying. Change your perspectives and you can change your life.


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Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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