
Influence of the day Saturn on the Birth date Uranus


Date 22/09/2020, 4 in #Birthdate is ruled by #Uranus. Rahu, the north node of the Moon, is an active and disruptive force which works mainly on the mental plane. It is a malefic planet. Dynamic in nature and low in vibration. Rahu rules the zodiac sign Virgo, which is also ruled by Mercury. Friendly signs areGemini, Virgo and Pisces. Cancer and Leo are enemies.


Number 4 is an ever changing number. Never fixed and always retrograde. Rahu influence introduces sudden changes into the lives of the natives. They have to face constant ups and downs. Because of this they can not trust people easily. Rahu gives the natives boldness, courage and patience. Face all difficulties and suffering without anxiety. They face to face criticism and opposition all through their lives.


Do not trust blindly.
Avoid loneliness and isolation. Learn to appreciate others.
Lucky dates, colours and Gemstones

#Good dates 4, 13, 22,31. #Good days are #Saturday and Sunday. #Lucky colours #Blue, Grey and Khakhi.#Gemstone Hessonite.

Significance of compound no. 22

Number 22 is believed to be a mystical number. They are master builders. Execute their jobs very efficiently. Very practical and systemic. Potential to become very successful in politics. With the help of their partners they excel in business.

Destiny Number

Destiny number 8 is ruled by Saturn. It is not a good destiny number. As it brings delays, obstacles and failures. They achieve fame and organisational abilities. Love solitude but also suffer from loneliness.

Tarot Guidance

#Card of the day #The Emperor. Card of leadership, often at a high level. It represents stable government, wealth and power and authority. A born organiser and successful achiever.
www.lipibanerjee.com For more insightful #numerology tips #Like, #Follow and #Share with #BirthdayBoy or #BirthdayGirl whose #Birthday is today. #BirthdayNumerology #todayismybirthday #DateNumerology #numbersritual
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Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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