
Judgemental 8 in the orderly day of 4

Birth date

Date 26/10/2020, 8 in birthdate is ruled by Saturn. Power and Judgement is the hallmark of this number.Toughness, tenacity, authority, executive ability, direction, materialism, ambition and determination are some of the key words.

Number 8’s can handle big projects and strive for big accomplishments. As a rule 8 are not lucky and have to work hard and tenaciously to earn their reward for money and achievements. Through constant struggles you gain inner awareness for better purpose and finally become leaders. You do not like subordinate positions.Also not easy to live with unless you are willing to adjust and are not too demanding.


Over ambition and too much materialism leads to strain and tension. Love of recognition and display of powers, lack of humanitarianism and consideration for others, obstinacy and impatience are some of the negative attributes.
Lucky dates, colours and gemstones

#good dates 8, 17,26. #good days are #Saturday. Lucky colours #Black, Dark blue, purple. Gemstones #Blue Sapphire, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli.

Destiny Number:
Destiny or Life Path number is 4, ruled by Rahu. Very trustworthy, practical and down to earth individuals.Extremely strong will power and determination. Your tenacity of purpose and ability to get the job done borders on obsession. Be careful about being excessively dogmatic, narrow minded and repressive.

Significance of the compound number 26.
You have a good sense of money and a talent for business. Possess sound judgement and efficient in handling large projects.The challenge is to maintain a balance between material goals and fundamental human qualities of understanding, compassion and love. Have gratitude for all that you have in this life. Since it is ruled by Saturn (8), you will face obstacles, delays, disappointments and lots of hard work. And if it suits a person, this number can ensure huge success.

Tarot Guidance:

#King of Cups.

Take control of situations involving money, investments or property. Commitment, trust and loyalty are needed. The King shows a desire for control, which can result in power struggles. Learn to trust others and be receptive to them. Become more open and accepting.


Pic courtesy: Google

Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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