
Ketu ruling the Day

Date 07/02/2022, 7 in birthdate is ruled by Ketu. Corresponds to Libra, the 7th house of the zodiac sign. Divinity, Occultism, Spirituality, Mental analysis, Wisdom, and Perfectionism are some of the keywords.


The 7 people are very independent, creative, imaginative, and original and have strong personality that stands out as exceptionally individualistic. You are restless by nature, indecisive, moody, and revolutionary at times. Often settle on foreign soils and prosper. You are kind-hearted, noble, sentimental, romantic, religious, and a spiritual soul. Could make a successful writer, painter, actor, poet, philosopher, Numerologist. You are also a lover of nature. An impressive orator and can keep crowds spellbound.

Alphabets Allotted: O and Z

Best Direction: Southwest

Best Profession: Artists, Actors, Occultists, Numerologists, Scientists, Arbitrators, Judges, Spiritual Masters.

Friendly Nos: 1, 5, 2

Enemy Nos: 3, 6, 8

Neutral Nos: 4, 7, 9

Karmic Lesson: Stop building castles in the air and get practical

Negative Traits:

Whimsical, Despondent, Restless, prone to give in to unfounded and unjustified fears and suspicions. Sarcastic, isolated, inflexible, and overly upset by distractions.Prone to indulge in intoxicants. Often bite more than you can chew. Little impulsive. Also, tend to be selfish.

Lucky dates, colors, and gemstones

#Good dates 7, 16, and 25. #Good days Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday.#Lucky Colours All shades of green, yellow, cream, white.. #Gemstone Moonstone, Cat’s eye.

Some famous 07 born people:

Mata Hari, Ringo Starr, Queen Elizabeth 1

Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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