Birth date
Date 01/11/2020, 1 in birthdate is ruled by Sun. Leadership, courage, initiative, originality, individuality, creative, will, determination, independence, masculinity are some of the key words.
Number 1’s are the original thinkers and live on the mental plane.. Not interested in physical labour. Architects, Engineers, planners, writers and composers are few of the vocations. A good companion with a good sense of humour and wit. Have strong individuality and need lot of attention and respect. You are also obstinate and face ups and downs in life without losing nerve and courage. You want your freedom without any boundaries.
Avoid being boastful and overly ambitious.Beware of being too authoritative, bossy or dictatorial. Do not be too aggressive.
Lucky dates, colours and gemstones
#good dates 1, 10, 19 and 28. #good days are Sunday and Monday. #Lucky colours #Orange, Yellow, gold.Gemstones #Ruby.
Destiny Number:
Destiny or Life Path number is 7, ruled by Ketu. It is a good destiny number. Your brilliant and practical ideas attract people .Become good storytellers and speakers.Your habit of underestimating your talents and potential make you humble and charming. Can also be arbitrators, peacemakers or spiritual masters.
Tarot Guidance:
#The Hierophant
Pay attention to higher truths rather than focussing on material concerns. He is a recognosed authority or leader. Often he or she is someone you can look for guidance.
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