
Mars in combination with Rahu, the North node of Moon

Number 9 ruled by Mars.

09/09/2020, 9 in #Birthdate is ruled by #Mars. Mars is related to blood and rules over the muscular system, bone marrow, head, face, brain, kidneys and bladder.Number 9 is the symbol of the fiery planet Mars.It has been given the status of ” the Commander in Chief of the Assembly of Gods.” The Sun, Moon and Jupiter are friends of Mars. Saturn, Venus, Rahu and Ketu are neutral. Mercury is the only enemy. No. 9 signifies regeneration, new birth, spirituality and prediction. It is the no. of energy, activity, warrior and has an element of strife.


9 is the only number that when multiplied by any other number always reproduces itself. You just have to recall your school multiplication table of 9. It is also the only number when added to any other number lets the other number retain its identity, eg: 9+1= 10=1, 9+2=11=2, 9+4=13=4 and so on. You have a strong sense of purpose, are duty bound and very confident. You have intense energy. Your inner defense mechanism is indestructible and make quick progress in whatever you do because of your determination, ambition and willpower. You are outspoken, free, frank, fearless and impulsive. You even meet a tragic event with courage and not frightened by death or disaster. All number 9’s are prone to accidents related to fire. Avoid being quarrelsome, angry, arrogant and aggressive. Also widen your your circle of friends and acquaintances and not isolate yourself.

Lucky Dates, Days and Gemstones

#Good dates 9, 18, 27. #Good days are #Tuesdays and Fridays. #Lucky colours #All shades of red and pink.#Gemstone Coral, Red Jasper, Ruby, Bloodstone, Carnelian. Destiny number is 4 ruled by Rahu. Not a very good destiny number. 9 and 4 neutral. Their friendship benefits number 4. 9’s are strong enough to take on challenges and overlook the criticism of 4’s. Beneficial combination in friendship and partnerships.

Tarot Guidance

#Card of the day # The Hierophant. Also known as the Pope. This card indicates adherence to established form of religion. Desires conformity. Scientific, philosophical, educational or inspiration in the performing arts. Reversed, can denote delayed ambitions. Nonconformist.


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Pic Courtesy: Pinterest

Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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