
Meditation and Hypnosis

Meditation and Hypnosis- How spending time with oneself serves to be therapeutic

We all face challenging days and when they come to an end,  always look towards taking a private retreat. Everyone needs to reconnect with their core principles or values. Spending time alone rejuvenates people to take on whatever life has to offer. Coaching puts lots of emphasis on meditation and hypnosis that help an individual to clear their mind.

The benefit of isolation according to NLP is:
– It gives you a chance to close your eyes and ponder upon certain moments throughout the day. Thus, clearing and renewing your mind.
– Surrounding yourself with calming and soothing sounds adds to the air of calmness.
– Meditating before any Coaching session helps a coach to focus on his/her upcoming session by clearing away clutter.
– An empowered coach is always well positioned to serve the clients better.

This is the most common NLP technique that is used to enable you to spend quality time in releasing conscious thoughts about everything going around you.
For example:
To start with meditation,
– Close your eyes.
– Make sure to focus on your breath until your mind is clear of any distractions.
Being in such a state free of distractions enables you to relax your mind, body, and soul.

– This will help you to learn and explore new things.
– Exposing yourself to knowledge will expand your horizon. Thus, giving you the confidence to set new life goals.
– Time away from distractions helps you to think of various ways in which you can help others.

Your best self is revealed after you have spent some time in your own company. The result of this NLP technique leaves you refreshed, rejuvenated with a renewed perspective.

Similarities and Differences between Meditation and Hypnosis

Hypnosis and meditation lead to altered states and have been used since time immemorial. This is the basis that many NLP trainers use to help us relax, focus and increase well-being and creativity.

There are many similarities between meditation and hypnosis. The main difference is that meditation is all about acceptance and being open to whatever happens, whereas hypnosis is more directional – it’s about guiding us to something better.

An ideal position is fully appreciating what you already possess and moving towards something better.

Hypnosis is a natural process in which you drift in and out of various hypnotic states. Using hypnosis to simply wake up people from non-useful states can be just as beneficial as getting them into good states.

It is useful to think of hypnosis as a further amplifier to improve any NLP approach.

Language patterns that helps benefit from hypnosis.

There are four types of language patterns that are particularly useful for helping us get the benefits from hypnosis:
– Commands,
– Embedded commands,
– Linkage phrases and
– Process language.

Commands and Embedded Commands
An effective hypnotic command will help you to act upon it before thinking. One way of achieving this is by embedding the command – by which we mean packaging it with other languages.

Always learn commands first. Know specifically what you want people to do. How do you want them to feel?

The easiest step sometimes is to ask/tell them directly; e.g. stop, listen, feel good, enjoy, start now, etc.

Commands have more impact when:

-Your tone of voice lowers and it is uttered as an unequivocal command, not as a question.
-The command is emphasized through some gesture or voice change.
-The voice reflects the meaning of the words.
– All our non-verbal communication is congruent with the command.
– We can hide the command by embedding it in, into a sentence, and hence the description embedded command.
-Packaging the command with other words can often distract the client’s ‘logical’ thinking.

Examples include:

Luckily, you can (command) and . . .
If you were to (command) and . . .
When you (command) and . . .
A person can (command) and . . .
You don’t have to (command) and . . .
You shouldn’t (command) and . . .
Examples of phrases to set up embedded commands:

(Now at the end often amplifies the effect.)

Luckily, you can . . .

You might want to . . .

I wouldn’t tell you to . . .

When you . . .

If you were too. . .

I don’t know if [command] is the very best thing you can do.

If I were to . . .

What’s it like when you . . .

A person can . . .

It’s not necessary to . . .

You really shouldn’t . . .

You don’t have to . . .

You can . . .

And variants:

Why is it some people see X and others don’t?

What is it that will help you to know whether to do X or Y?

Linkage Language
As humans, we like to associate ideas, even when there is no logical pattern present.

The simplest linkage word is ‘and’. We can link one, two, or three statements with a statement that leads our client somewhere useful. Presenting a few undeniably true statements before a useful command makes the speaker more trustworthy and the command more acceptable.

For example:

“You’re listening to me and you want to relax, and when you’ve started to notice that you’ve begun to relax, that’s a sign that you’re able to go into a really deep state, now.”

Process Language.
Process language combines all the above, giving your client a powerful direction but no or very little content.

For example:

“You’ve been listening and as you sleep and dream tonight, you’ll run through all the ideas we’ve explored, add some of your own, mentally rehearse them, and to your delight and surprise start implementing the most useful of them when it’s both safe and beneficial to do so.”

“And something else that may surprise you, when you least expect it, you’ll start to notice when others use these patterns, and copy the very best and add them to what you do easily. “

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What therapeutic activities can I participate in while spending time alone?
2. How can I make interactions with family and friends feel like therapy?
3. What kinds of decisions are best made in the quietness of my meditative time?

Are you tired of being a failure and longing to be successful? Self-hypnosis will help you clear your vision and fulfill your goals in no time.

Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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