
Orderly Rahu in the day of Humanitarian 9

Birth date

Date 22/10/2020, 4 in birthdate is ruled by Rahu. Order and Construction is the way of life. Rules the zodiac sign Virgo.

Number 4 makes the native very stubborn and obstinate. Have lots of boldness, courage and patience hence can undergo pain and suffering without much anxiety. You take sudden changes and ups and downs of life with alacrity. Systematic, orderly, practical, down to earth, industrious are some of the key words associated with this number. Love for the family is another strong suit.

Develop an uncritical nature and be trusting. Keep your cool. Appreciate others. Reduce selfishness and perform selfless duties. Avoid unnecessary spends.

Lucky dates, colours and gemstones

#good dates 4, 13,22. #good days are #Saturday and Sunday. Lucky colours #Blue, grey, khaki. #Gemstone Hessonite.

Destiny Number:
Destiny or Life Path number is 9, ruled by Mars. The keys are compassion, generosity and a very humanitarian attitude. You are honourable and trustworthy. The 9, being the highest of the single digit numbers holds an elevated position and possess certain responsibilities.Material gains are not overly important to you but also many life path 9 are materially rewarded in very significant ways. This life path requires a very selfless attitude and this trait is not very easy to imbibe and hence a constant conflict is present in the pysche.

Significance of the compound number 22.
2 combined with 2, makes 22. Strongly influenced by the number 2, yet carry all the qualities of number 4. Regarded as very obstinate and difficult person. Great potential as a leader, organiser or a master builder. Have a capacity for great strength. Orderly and patient person with an unusual perception. This number is regarded as a mystical number. Potential to become very successful in politics. In business you become very successful with the support of your spouse.

Tarot Guidance:

#Ten of Wands.

Money issues may be weighing you down. Perhaps other people rely on you for financial support. It denotes a matured attitude towards relationships. You have many responsibilities that you can comfortably handle. But try to delegate duties to relive stress. It is a card of exhaustion. Take a break.


Pic courtesy: Pinterest

Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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