
Responsible Venus in the sum total of Cooperative Moon

Birth date

Date 24/10/2020, 6 in birthdate is ruled by Venus. Love and Responsibility is the hallmark of this number.Artistic, creative, responsible, loyal, dependable, harmonious, generous, unselfish, domestic and fixed views are the key words associated with this number.

Number 6’s have the initiative of 1, cooperation of 2 and creativity of 3. Storehouse of energy, responsibility and love you provide love and care, comfort and happiness to everyone who comes in close contact with you. Although physically strong they are not made for hard labour as they operate from the mental plane. found in positions of authority. You attain heights of success and soul satisfaction with a loving and supporting spouse. But too much of duty and sacrifice can bring personal disappointments.

Avoid arguments and getting too emotional. Save money for hard times. Avoid hard physical labour.

Lucky dates, colours and gemstones

#good dates 6, 15,24. #good days are #Wednesday and Friday Lucky colours #White, Light blue, pink. #Gemstone Diamond.

Destiny Number:
Destiny or Life Path number is 2, ruled by Moon. This Life Path produces extremely sensitive people with an ability to be balanced and fair. Take pride in decorating your home, making it comfortable and stylish.Children brings you pleasure and family is priority for you. Honest and open in thought, word and deed. Apt in all kinds of collaborative work, since you have a knack of handling people effectively. You can also become very pessimistic and accomplish very little. Diplomatic and sensitive individuals.

Significance of the compound number 24.
The combination of two opposites, Moon and Rahu , 24 is considered to be a lucky number.It is because of the total of 6, the Venus. A family oriented number with a gift for restoring and maintaining balance and harmony in relationships. The influence of 2 makes you helpful and sincere, the influence of 4 makes you strong and persistent. Overall, a very successful number.

Tarot Guidance:

#Page of Swords.

Might receive some information concerning money. Do analyse your financial situation and do not rely on others. This card often denotes immature, analytical or a detached approach to relationships. Develop confidence in your own ideas. Think for yourself and become more independent.


Pic courtesy: Pinterest

Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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