While looking at what pleasure and pain are driving you to become a Coach, this is what the majority of the coaches use to produce results when striving for mastery. No matter where you are, you have to use this to get ahead in your life and your coaching.
1. Set your clear coaching goal
2. Take huge action: Even if you do not know all the things that need to be done, write down what you know you can do. Do not wait to be an expert. If you wait to become an expert you will be full of knowledge but drained of energy. Oodles of knowledge without action is worthless.
3. Take note of your results: Notice how things are going when you’re making calls and coaching clients, and ask yourself what’s working and what can be improved. Write it in your journal as a way to educate yourself about the effectiveness of coaching.
4. Revise your plan: Whether or not you are getting closer to your goal or not, revise your plan based on the understanding and feedback you have gained.