

Keywords: Authority, government, politics, organisations, standing out, standing alone, isolation, independence, buildings.

General Tower Meaning
Usually, I take the Tower to symbolize the government. Most people’s lives are dominated by it. That is the conventional meaning. Tonnes of Tower cards will start to show up throughout tax season. Honestly, the way the cards seem to know these things are happening is quite strange.

If the Tower card does not reflect the government, it represents another company. This could be a company where you work. The Tower will occasionally be genuinely tall buildings.

Tower can, in the figurative sense, show you rising above people around you and separating from the throng. This can occasionally be a great independence exercise. But this is why the Tower card is generally negative; if you stand out from your peers, you might be standing alone.

Specific Tower Meanings
Tower Love Meaning: Generally speaking, Tower is not very appealing for relationships. It will make you feel apart from your spouse. Maybe your partner is not consistent. Tower might represent the single existence.

Tower Career Meaning: The Tower might stand for government employment. Tower often represents the building you work from. Lily and Tower, for instance, can symbolise a historic building together.

Tower Business Meaning: The Tower card might stand for the premises of your company in a business reading. Tower sometimes will represent the taxes for your company.

Tower Positive Meaning: Tower stands for freedom. It denotes a capacity to get on your own two feet. This is true in a favourable reading.

Tower Negative Meaning: Tower represents, in a negative interpretation, loneliness and a lack of individuals one could confide in.

Tower as a Person: Tower might represent a tall person, an independent person, a bureaucracy, a politician, or someone employed by the government.

Tower Timing Meaning: A Tower can indicate that an event will occur during a government or bank vacation. Tower also relates to the number nineteen—nineteen days, nineteen weeks, or the 19th of any month.

This beautiful deck is available on: www.zenithnumero.com

Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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