
What the Numbers are saying today

Birth date

Date 28/03/2021, 1 in birthdate is ruled by Sun. Individualistic and Independent. A pioneering spirit, executive abilities, extraordinary will and determination, courage, strong leadership skills, and inventive ideas are some of the defining key words.

Alphabets Allotted: A, I, J, Q, and Y

Best Direction: East

Best Profession: Politicians, Leaders, Heads of Business Houses, Entrepreneurs, Actors, Industrialists, Explorers, and Administrators. Engineers, architects, designers, planners, writers, and all kinds of leadership roles.

Friendly Nos: 2, 3, 9

Enemy Nos: 4, 6, 7, 8


The 1’s can be easily fed up by routine, trivial things. This number represents creativity. You always want to be on top and do not like to be a subordinate to anyone. Excellent business instincts and this makes you successful business people. Practical with attention to minute details. You are a doer, a powerful force that produces results and does not allow anything or anyone to limit your potential. Strong, determined, unwavering, and with specific goals in mind, you can turn dreams and ideas into reality. You push obstacles aside or simply drill right through them.

Negative Traits

Too authoritative and adamant which makes you harsh at times. Overly ambitious and critical, love to be the center of attention, aggressive

Lucky dates, colours and gemstones

#Good dates 1, 10, 19 and 28. #Good days are Sunday. #Lucky colours. #Orange, Yellow, copper, gold. #Lucky Gemstone Ruby.

Significance of Number 28

28 born is a combination of 2(Moon) and 8(Saturn). A number of struggles and opposition. Success comes to you after lots of hardship. You are more able to serve and gain more cooperation and help. You develop unique ways of combining both material and spiritual progress and are wholistic in your attitude.

Destiny Number:

Destiny or Life Path number is 9, ruled by Mars. You develop spiritually and mentally through the hardships of life. You are a lover of fine art and beauty, adventure and romance. Compassion, generous, and humanitarian is the keywords. The 9, being the highest of the single digits, holds an elevated position and possesses certain responsibilities. Judges, spiritual leaders, healers, and educators frequently have much of 9 energy. Often you suffer from the inner conflict of giving selflessly and expecting nothing in return. The no. 9 life path requires a very selfless attitude and the giving up of material possessions for the common good.

#Pic Courtesy: Pinterest

Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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