
7 Personal Year | March is a 1 Personal Month

If you have a 7 Personal Year, March is your Personal Month.

How to maximise the contemplative 7 Personal Year with the freedom and start of the 1 Personal Month?

March is an initiating month focused on independence and bold moves, so you may feel pushed and dragged.
Plant seeds this month. You should define yourself and follow your course. Let yourself deviate from the norm.

Your 7 Personal Year energy asks: Who am I soul-wise? Why did I enter Earthly form now?

Your 1 Personal Month energy asks the same question in a more practical way. In this tangible world, who am I?

These two related but distinct questions will merge now.

Meditation, contemplating art or nature, or improving your skills are ideal for March.
By March 9, please spend time alone doing something that feels good and feeds you from the inside out.

You’ll start implementing some of your long-term plans in March.

Take advantage of any opportunity to study or explore areas you’ve been putting off. Choose intellectual or spiritual work. It’s always research time in 7 Personal Year!

Collect the info you’ve been considering—are you changing careers or jobs? This month is a great time to update your resume and study potential employers. It may support fresh training to improve your skills.

Thinking about returning to school? Be serious about applying. Spend some time this month assembling your application materials.

Do you want to attract your “one” or improve your relationship and need to try some new relationship-building tools? March helps you be yourself and act confidently.

Do you feel spiritually empty and need to identify your meaning and purpose? Are you going through a “dark night of the soul” and knowing that this is a time of reinvention yet the trip has just begun? This is the 7 Personal Year’s grandest Kahuna and will run throughout the year.

It may not feel slower for you this 7 Personal Year. I’ve realised that life moves quickly, even during my 7 Personal Year of introspection and soul-searching.

You can grasp it by thinking that many of your 7 Personal Year activities are extensions of something you currently do.

You could write. You had some good ideas last year and got some things right. Your agent calls to say someone wants rewrites on your novel, screenplay, or manuscript.

You may feel more busy than ever while the work is ongoing. It’s still being created, just a little further down. You can work hard this year writing, revising, and organizing. You may start writing or studying a brilliant new project concept.

See how it might work?

If your numerology is correct, your novel will be published or created next year (your career and finances-focused 8). Launch and implementation are next year. The time for creation and research is now

Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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