
Anxiety and NLP

Anxiety is a prevalent issue, and on the first day of an NLP training, it frequently comes up for discussion. Why? Because giving speeches in front of an audience is the number one fear that people have, and because everyone wants to make a good first impression.
There are many distinct forms of anxiety, but NLP does not cover them all in its curriculum. I pondered the possible explanations for that for a considerable amount of time. To begin, NLP is the study of those who are already successful. Consequently, you are interested in researching people who successfully avoid experiencing anxiety or, even more ideally, people who are able to rid themselves of anxiety once they have it.
There is a kind of anxiety that manifests itself whenever there is a concern that something negative will occur in the future. The application of NLP in this situation is exactly what is needed to solve the problem.
There is a type of anxiety known as generalised anxiety that can be triggered by physiological or medical conditions, such as shortness of breath, certain medications, or sleep apnea. Although NLP cannot eliminate anxiety entirely, it can help people better manage their experience of it.
In addition to this, there is the kind of anxiousness that appears out of nowhere. There is neither a thinking nor a precipitating event. This is a common pattern among people who have been through traumatic experiences, particularly when they were younger. Because no memories are accessed, this condition should not be confused with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This form of anxiety is frequently brought on by an overactive region of the brain that is responsible for the fight, flight or freeze response, as well as a dysfunctional interaction between that part of the brain and the part of the brain that is responsible for regulating it, together with inaccurate reality testing.

The first technique is to use NLP to alleviate any and all forms of anxiety. Meditation
Because of the chemical changes that occur in the brain as a result of meditation, one’s ability to experience anxiety is reduced. But moreover, in order for the feeling of worry to be processed more quickly. Some individuals experience anxiety whenever they try to meditate by focusing on their breathing. Because of this, people give up on maintaining a consistent meditation practise. But here is a straightforward alternative strategy that incorporates some elements of NLP as well as visualisation:
Close your eyes.
Perform an internal examination of your body, beginning at the top of your head and working your way down to the tips of your toes. Take note of every kinesthetic submodality that exists within your body (or, for those of you who aren’t trained in NLP, observe every sensation that exists inside your body).
Imagine a brilliant ball of light around the size of a ping-pong ball that stands for the state of calm, and then bring your attention to your ankles as you move the ball.
After that, the tummy button.
The solar plexus comes next.
The chest comes next.
The space between the brows.
a distance equivalent to the width of a hand above the head.
Make the ball a little bit bigger, about the size of a tennis ball. Even less activity can be heard.
On the way back down, you should visit the same sites.
Expand the size of the ball, and continue climbing.
Technique 2: Reduce Any Kind of Anxiety with the Help of NLP: Grounding
The chemistry of the brain can also be altered by the practise of grounding exercises. One that utilises NLP is presented here.
Imagine the most relaxing setting you’ve ever been in or that you could possibly come up with and bring to life in your thoughts. You are seeing everything through your own eyes right now. Therefore, you are able to perceive the experience of calmness through your sight, hearing, and touch.
Experiment with the different features of the visual submodalities to see if you can make it more calming by doing so: Reduce its brightness by a little amount, make it larger or smaller, faster or slower, larger or smaller, left or right, wide-angle or narrow, etc.
Experiment with different aspects of the auditory experience, such as the loudness, the direction, the addition of a rhythm or music, surround sound, just one ear, or even turning the sound off entirely.
Experiment with different kinesthetic submodalities such as breathing more deeply, more slowly, or from somewhere else; releasing any tension that may be present inside the body; and relaxing your muscles, beginning with your forehead and working your way all the way down to the tips of your toes.
Technique No. 3: Using NLP to Reduce Anxiety Based on the Future: People frequently mix excitement (something big is going to happen) with anxiety, according to the findings of scientific research. Pretend as though.
Thinking negatively about stress is a surefire way to make it worse. We are prompted to take action when we are under stress.
When respondents were given the instruction to pretend that they were excited about public speaking, they had either no anxiety at all during public speaking or much less anxiety than usual.
NLP Pattern: Act as though you are experiencing a high level of excitement. In any case, the brain is unable to differentiate between the two.
Technique No. 4: Using NLP to Reduce Anxiety Based on the Future:
The anxiety pattern is based on timeline therapy, which, in effect, deceives the brain into coding like a person who is unable to experience anxiety or who drops their own anxiety.
Imagine that there is a line between you and the future and that you are standing in the present.
The only thing that causes anxiety is the unknown. You experience feelings of anxiety because you are concerned that something may go wrong in the future. This is the root cause of your distress.
Remove yourself from the situation and try to block out all of your feelings. When the traumatic event in question has occurred and passed, you should move to a location close to the timeline. You have successfully detached from the event, which is now finished. The only place for anxiety to exist is in the future.
When you look back at the event from this vantage point, you’ll see that the anxiety that was there before has vanished.
Technique No. 5: Reduce All Forms of Anxiety with the Help of NLP and the Circle of Excellence
Moving into a more potent feeling than the anxiousness that was there before. Both a live demonstration and a video showing how to do it are provided for your viewing pleasure below.

Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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