Date 09/01/2021, 9 in birthdate is ruled by Mars. Corresponds to Sagittarius, the 9th house of the zodiac sign. Artistic, genius, romance, universal love.
The 9 signifies regeneration, spirituality, premonitions, energy, activity, element of strife and manifestation of courage.Have a strong sense of purpose, are duty bound and self confident, have order, discipline, patience, bravery, courage and humanitarianism.Born leaders and can control multitudes of people. A go getter and do not wait for opportunities to come to you. Strong, dynamic, domineering and passionate.
Best Direction: South
Best Profession: Soldiers, Army men, Astronauts, Scientists, researchers, Iron and Steel business, Medicines, Pharmacists, Religious Heads, Martial Arts, Humanitarian services, Public speaking.
You are foolhardy, impulsive and thoughtless in thought, word and deed. Prone to disasters and accidents.
Lucky dates, colours and gemstones
#Good dates 9, 18, and 27. #Good days Tuesday and Friday..#Lucky Colours all shades of red and pink #Gemstone Coral, Carnelian and Jasper, Red Agate, Ruby.
Destiny Number:
Destiny or Life Path number is 6, ruled by Venus. This number makes you enter into unwanted, unplanned, impersonal, and chance sexual encounters. It makes you more sentimental than logical, clinging, possessive, jealous, suspicious, and sensuous. You get all the comforts and luxuries of life, not through your hard work and earning but by a stroke of luck. Are intelligent, generous with your money, and love to spend lavishly. You love your family and friends and happily take on their responsibilities.
#Pic Courtesy: Pinterest