
Combination of Jupiter and Ketu


Date 12/09/2020, 3 in #Birthdate is ruled by #Jupiter. It stands for morality, pure love, justice. Jupiter is the teacher who is said to give wise counsel to the Sun. Jupiter is a benefic planet and Sun, Moon and Mars are his friends.It rules over the zodiac signs Sagittarius and Pisces. It makes its natives active, cooperative, ambitious and disciplined. Jupiter rules over liver and from the waist down to the thighs. You are true to your word and honour your commitments. You are always optimistic, creative, cheerful and humorous. Also very hardworking people. Always busy doing something or the other.


People born on 3rd of any month are prone to struggles but are beneficial in the end. Those born on the 12th have magnetism and charisma. More fortunate and less struggle.Also people born on the 21st are not that successful. People born on 30th have to struggle the most. You should avoid unnecessary discussions. Respect your life partners. And have a control over your anger.

Lucky dates, colours and Gemstones

#Good dates 3, 12, 21, 30. #Good days are #Thursday. #Lucky colours #Yellow.#Gemstone Yellow Sapphire and Yellow Topaz

Significance of compound no. 12

12’s are fair in judgement, extremely temperamental, cheerful, optimistic. 1 and 2 do not make ideal couple. As they always differ with each other.And this differing relationship between 1 and 2 creates anxiety in the minds of those born on the 12th of any month.

Destiny Number

Destiny number is 7 ruled by Ketu. It is a good destiny number. 3’s are very helpful to 7’s. They are mutually beneficial in a friendship and business partnerships.

Tarot Guidance

#Card of the day #King of Pentacles. He is a patient, intuitive, articulate man.Also stable and cautious. But could be shallow and opinionated.
www.lipibanerjee.com For more insightful #numerology tips #Like, #Follow and #Share with #BirthdayBoy or #BirthdayGirl whose #Birthday is today. #BirthdayNumerology #todayismybirthday #DateNumerology #numbersritual

Pic Courtesy: Pinterest

Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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