
Conjunction of Two and Seven

Birth date

Date 29/10/2020, 2 in birthdate is ruled by Moon. Peace and Cooperation rules this number.Association, partnership, diplomacy, arbitration, agreement, adaptability, modesty, friendliness, graciousness and spiritual influence are some of the key words associated with this number.

Number 2’s are not leaders but excellent followers. Gifted with the ability to collect details you also have a fine sense of rhythm and timing. Appreciate beauty and art and have an inclination towards the occult and spirituality. Number 1’s are the starters and you are best in completing the details and bringing a good finish to the task.Very successful where service is important, like nursing, consultancy.


Avoid being over sensitive as this hurts you easily. You are shy, timid and unhappiness or loneliness takes hold of you easily. You look for validation and assurance without which you become disappointed.

Lucky dates, colours and gemstones

#good dates 2, 11,20 and 29. #good days are  #Monday. Lucky colours #White, light green, blue, cream.Gemstones #Pearls.

Destiny Number:
Destiny or Life Path number is 7, ruled by Ketu. The strength of the number is reflected in the depth of thinking that is shown. Intellectual, studious and scientific. Witty, lively, prompt in making decisions, unpredictable, ever changing and always youthful. A good destiny number.

Significance of the compound number 29.
A combination of the energies of the Moon(2) and Mars (9), 29 is a number that brings basic insecurity. On the material plane, you achieve success and rise to high positions. Very intuitive and creative, your mind thinks in pictures. Usually a late bloomer. And this can cause frustration. Develop faith. Can also be very emotional, often experiencing extremes of happiness and sadness. Get hurt easily.

Tarot Guidance:

#Five of Pentacles

This card represents freedom from the responsibilities that come with money and prosperity. Distance yourself from people who drain your resources-emotional, creative and physical. Feel strained with work related responsibilities.


Pic courtesy: Pinterest

Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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