
HABIT Building

Habits: Are yours helping in building your mental muscle?


– When we talk about habits that help build muscle, we’re not talking about building physical muscle but mental. The main strategy that NLP uses is the habits strategy which helps to unleash your mental muscle potential to the fullest.


-Building mental muscle is a very important technique that helps an individual to focus on their goal and fulfill it. Habits as we all know are not built over time but take time to be built by consistency to create a good routine.

Good habits are beneficial for mental upliftment


– Whether the habits are helpful or not, they create a well-trodden path for an individual who is motivated to follow them religiously. These habits have to be repeated time and again and are made up of a sequence of thoughts and actions that are triggered in the brain causing an outcome to certain situations every single time.

– An individual can have a list of habits but only a few could be beneficial for the mental upliftment of the individual.


Habits- A process that begins in the unconscious mind

– It is fascinating to look at habits in a way that it is a process that runs in the unconscious mind of an individual. Habits are what determine the mental health of a person.


-Let’s say for example if you have a habit of biting your nails when you find yourselves in stress. The action of biting nails is an action that happens in the unconscious mind. The biting of nails was a habit that was carried out unconsciously and its outcome became a pattern that was running in the person’s head.


– To undo this habit, the individual has to proceed in the brain to command the unconscious mind to stop that habit.


How does NLP help in building your mental muscle? 


Are you ready to close the gap between where you are and where you want to be? Given below are a few effective NLP tips you can try today.

  1. Practice positive affirmations

The very reason why positive affirmations are effective because they work at every stage of goal setting.

For example, If your affirmation is “I am optimistic about my love life. I am confident that I will find someone who will make me feel happy and loved.” When you do meet someone and enter the relationship stage, your affirmation will change to “I am in a healthy and loving relationship with mutual respect.”


It’s of utmost importance to say that affirmations have to be in the present tense because your subconscious mind will work accordingly to turn the positive intention into a reality; thus, rewiring your brain faster.


Positive affirmations help to increase your self-awareness. With the help of repetition, the new thoughts are replaced by the old ones, becoming ingrained in your mind. With enough practice, you can change your belief system.



– This technique is helpful with addiction, such as the smoking example mentioned above.

– When it comes to change, your brain needs to get on board first, and then over time, your body will follow.



  1. Visualize


Are you aware that your brain can’t tell the difference between something imaginary and something real? In other words, if you have a vivid imagination it’s enough for you to trick your brain into experiencing the positive emotions that go along with a positive memory or mental image.


Ask yourself: What images align with achieving your goal? To continue with the example above, if you are looking for romance, you should envision what being in a relationship will feel like. Be as specific as you can and try to get as many senses involved as possible.


Benefit: Smell, taste, sound, touch, whatever you can – the point is to completely immerse yourself in the visualization so it feels as real as possible.


  1. Reframe your words

Everything around us has meaning if we reframe our words. E g. Think back to a time when you feel angry or upset. For instance, let’s say you lost your job or ended a relationship. When you think about it, you most likely feel negative emotions. To transform your negative emotions into positive, you need to reframe the situation.


For example, you’re now open to a job or relationship that’s a better fit. You have the freedom to explore new options, and you have emerged from this hardship as a stronger, better version of yourself.


It’s a natural response to panic when you lose a job or break up, but this only creates more emotional turmoil.


Benefit: By shifting your focus and changing your perspective, you will feel more at peace.



  1. Think positive 


This NLP technique involves connecting a positive emotion or thought to a specific phrase or gesture. This helps in training your brain to associate the positive feeling with the phrase or gesture.


First, think about what emotion you want to experience. Do you want to be more confident? Happier? Calmer?


Next, imagine the last time you felt that emotion. Make this mental image as vivid as possible.


Then, choose an anchoring phrase such as “I am happy. I am calm. I am confident” or clench your fist.


Benefit: Repeat every day until eventually you can say the anchoring phrase or clench your fist and your mood shifts to happy, calm, or confident almost instantly.


Repetition is everything. The more you practice these techniques, the more they will become ingrained in your mind. When you think, feel, visualize, and act by your intention you will break the cycle of negative habits.


Most importantly, remember these techniques are simply tools. You have to continuously put the work into experience the positive effects. To change, you have to truly want to change.


Are you ready to create positive lasting change? Follow these NLP tips and watch how it transforms your life.

Photo Courtesy: Google

Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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