
Orderly Rahu in the sum total of Independent Sun

Birth date

Date 22/11/2020, 4 in birthdate is ruled by Rahu. Constructive, systematic, orderly, practical, steady, calm, efficient, honest , faithful are some of the defining qualities.

Reliable, patient friends who can adjust to all conditions. Interested in reform of all kinds- environmental, social, communal and domestic. Sincere, helpful and straightforward. You love your family and are devoted to your parents. You have fixed principles and a sort of tailored life pattern. You look for security both in family and business life.


Do not trust blindly. Avoid loneliness and isolation. Speak in a gentle tone. It will do you good to be less critical of others.

Lucky dates, colours and gemstones

#Good dates 4, 13, 22 and 31. #Good days are Saturday, Sunday and Monday. #Lucky colours. #Blue, grey and Khaki. Gemstones #Hessonite(Gomed)

Significance of Number 22

22 born people are more strongly influenced by the number 2, yet they carry all the qualities of number 4. 22 is believed to be a mystical number. They are the master builders and specialists. Representing great spiritual power blended with practical manifestation on earth.

Destiny Number:
Destiny or Life Path number is 1, ruled by Sun. You are known for your forbearance, patience, organisational abilities and persistence. If spiritually inclined you become heads of spiritual organisations and real teachers. As teachers you are very precise, clear, to the point and adhere to the truth. But since 1 is primarily a number of worldly achievements and success it is rare to find the above combination. You people are materialistic, logical and intellectual. Popular, attractive and clever.

Tarot Guidance:

The Hanged Man

It represents a sacrifice or loss of some kind. A change of some kind is required. Relinquish control.It may also be that turning away from materialistic lifestyle is advised to pursue higher values.Let go of old limiting values. Out with the old, in with the new.

#Pic Courtesy: Pinterest

Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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