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Saturn(8) in the day

November 16, 2023/

Birthdate Saturn rules date 17/11/2023 8 in birthdate. Corresponds to the eighth house of the zodiac, Scorpio. Toughness, tenacity, authority, executive ability, direction, supervision, efficiency, organization, judgement, materialism, administration, ambition and dependability. Characteristics:Number 8 balances the material and immaterial worlds. At its best, it is as spiritual as it is materialistic. You put emphasis on…

Number Play of the Day

November 15, 2023/

Birthdate Ketu rules date 16/04/2021, 7 in birthdate. It bestows non-attachment to worldly desires and gives spiritual tendencies. Wisdom, power of discrimination, psychic abilities, sensitivity, and emotional. Alphabets Allotted: O and Z Best Direction: Southwest Best Profession: Artists, Actors, Occultists, Numerologists, Scientists, Arbitrators, Judges, Spiritual Masters. Friendly Nos: 6,9 Enemy Nos: 1, 2, 4, 8…

Double Venus(6) in the day

November 14, 2023/

Birthdate Date 15/04/2021, 6 in birthdate, is ruled by Venus. Corresponds to Virgo, the 6th sign of the Zodiac. Love, art, luxury, beauty, harmony, marriage, responsibility, understanding. Alphabets Allotted: U, V, and W. Best Direction: Southeast Best Profession: Artists, Actors, Occultists, Orators, Art Critics, Editors, Journalists, Poets, Dealers in beauty and luxury items. Friendly Nos:…

Mercury(5) in the day

November 13, 2023/

Birthdate Date 14/04/2021, 5 in birthdate, is ruled by Mercury. Corresponds to LEO, the 5th sign of the Zodiac. Freedom, Adaptability, Travel, Inconsistency, Abuse of senses, Nervous, Speech and Writing Alphabets Allotted: H, E, N, and X. Characteristics: Likens to quicksilver and is mercurial, has momentum, communication, reason, logic, and ethics, and is a born…

Step by Step Number Guidance

November 12, 2023/

Birthdate Rahu rules date 13/04/2021, 4 in birthdate. Corresponds to Cancer, the 4th sign of the Zodiac. Practicality, Loyalty, Rigidity, Construction, Real Estate, Possessions, and Materialism. Alphabets Allotted: D, M, and T. Best Direction: Southeast Best Profession: Politicians, Lawyers, Planners, Reformists, Lawmakers, Engineers, Builders, Contractors. Friendly Numbers: 5, 6, 8 Enemy Number: 1, 2 Characteristics:…

Double whammy of Mars(9)

November 8, 2023/

Birthdate Date 09/11/2023, 9 in birthdate, is ruled by Mars. Corresponds to Sagittarius, the 9th house of the zodiac sign. Artistic, genius, romance, universal love. Characteristics: The 9 signifies regeneration, spirituality, premonitions, energy, activity, element of strife, and manifestation of courage. Have a strong sense of purpose, are duty-bound and self-confident, and have order, discipline,…

Number Guidance of the day

November 7, 2023/

Birthdate Date 08/11/2023, 8 in birthdate, is ruled by Saturn. Corresponds to Scorpio, the 8th house of the zodiac sign. It is a planet of destiny, fate, karma, and resurrection and is systematic, organized, authoritative, methodical, practical, and steady. Characteristics: The number 8 people are confident, determined, and mysterious. An introvert who likes to keep…

Step by Step Number Guidance

November 6, 2023/

Birthdate Ketu rules date 07/11/2023, 7 in birthdate. Corresponds to Libra, the 7th house of the zodiac sign. Divinity, Occultism, Spirituality, Mental analysis, Wisdom, and Perfectionism are some of the keywords. Characteristics: The 7 people are independent, creative, imaginative, and original and have strong personalities that stand out as exceptionally individualistic. You are restless by…

Effect of double Venus(6)

November 5, 2023/

Birth date Venus rules date 06/11/2023, 6 in birthdate. Corresponds to Virgo, the 6th sign of the Zodiac. Love, Art, Luxury, Marriage, Beauty, Harmony. Understanding. A strong sense of responsibility, artistic, balanced, humanitarian, just, righteous, love of home, loyal, and dependable is some of the keywords. Characteristics: Number of beauty, love, reproduction, and youth. Governs…

Combination of Mercury(5) in the day

November 4, 2023/

Birthdate Mercury rules date 05/11/2023, 5 in birthdate. Corresponds to LEO, the 5th sign of the Zodiac. Freedom, Adaptability, Travel, Inconsistency, Abuse of senses, Nervous, Speech and Writing Alphabets Allotted: H, E, N, and X. Characteristics: Likens to quicksilver and is mercurial, has momentum and communication, reason, logic, ethics, and is a born traveler. Five…

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Valerie Rodriguez

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