
Warrior Mars(9)in the day and mediator Moon(2)in the total


Date 18/06/2021, 9 in birthdate is ruled by Mars. Selflessness, forgiveness, humanitarianism, compassion, tolerance, generosity, charitable, philanthropic, writer, artistic, impulsive, spiritual and capable of living a divine life to a great extent.

Largest of all the numbers from 1-9 you represent the beginning and end of experiences. 3 times 3 you have the creativity and imagination of the highest order. Impersonal and working without a motive or desire you provide true service to mankind. Money and fortune get naturally attracted to you and you are successful in any kind of work either in your own country or in a foreign land. Travel is also a vital part of your life. You are trustworthy, loyal, romantic, and have a charming personality. Good companions, liked by people, popular, and love to have fun in life.

Best Direction: South

Best Profession: Soldiers, Army men, Astronauts, Scientists, researchers, Iron and Steel business, Medicines, Pharmacists, Religious Heads, Martial Arts, Humanitarian services, Public speaking.

Friendly Nos: 1, 2, 3, 7

Enemy Nos: 4, 5

Negative Traits

Moody and impulsive, act hastily and repent later. Carelessness in money matters and inclination for high living. At times selfish, possessive, intolerant, and even deceptive.

Lucky dates, colors, and gemstones

#Good dates 9, 18 and 27. #Good days are Tuesday and Friday. #Lucky colours. #All shades of red, pink. Gemstones #Coral.

Significance of Number 18

A combination of Sun(1) and Saturn(8). And ruled by Mars. People born on this day may face strong opposition, inner conflict, and difficult circumstances. But you are fighters and survive these circumstances. You come across so many challenges in life that you start liking life of struggles. Tend to be a late bloomer and go through many changes.

Destiny Number:

Destiny or Life Path number is 2, ruled by Moon. Produces extremely sensitive people with the ability to be balanced and fair. Take great pride in making your home comfortable and stylish and are likely to entertain a great deal. Children bring you pleasure and family is your priority. Honest and open in thought, word, and deed. Can be very pessimistic and accomplishes very little.

Pic Courtesy: Pinterest

Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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