
Combination of Mercury(5)in the day


Date 05/04/2021, 5 in birthdate is ruled by Mercury. Corresponds to LEO, the 5th sign of the Zodiac. Freedom, Adaptability, Travel, Inconsistency, Abuse of senses, Nervous, Speech and Writing

Alphabets Allotted: H, E, N and X.


Likens to quick silver and is mercurial, has momentum and communication, reason, logic, ethics, born traveler. 5 makes you changeable, blow hot blow cold, extremists, arrogant and unpredictable. Active, restless, ambitious, wisdom, warm affections, interest in casual affairs, zest for life, desire to see it all and live life to the fullest. Has co-operation, practicality and shrewdness.

Best Direction: North

Best Profession: Businessmen, Bankers, Stockbrokers, Medical People, Lawyers, Writers, Singing, Dancing, Acting and Painting.

Friendly Nos: 1, 6

Enemy Nos: 2

Negative Traits:

Lack of perseverance and persistence, skeptical, unreliable, discontent, edgy temperament, vacillates and is indecisive.

Lucky dates, colours and gemstones

#Good dates 5, 14 and 23. #Good days Wednesday and Friday.#All shades of green, turquoise, white, light brown, smokey grey. #Gemstone Emeralds and Diamonds.

Destiny Number:

Destiny or Life Path number is 14/5, ruled by Mercury. It is a good destiny number. Very versatile, adventurous, and progressive. Apt to be multi-talented, but just as likely to suffer from lack of direction. Dislike routine and boring work and are not very good at staying with everyday tasks that must be finished on time. A good communicator and a fun-loving person. Makes you versatile, impressive, attractive, and naturally optimistic.

#Pic Courtesy: Pinterest

Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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