
Birthdate Moon in the Day Ketu

Birth date

Date 02 10 /2020 ,2 in birthdate is ruled by Moon. It is a feminine number. And characterised by relationship and Cooperation. Moon rules the emotional side of the human existence.It is cold, passive and introverted.Water is the element of the Moon. The closest and most visible planet of our solar system. Ruling planet of Cancer and exalted in Taurus. Ascending moon cycle is always beneficial to be born into than the descending Moon cycle.


Number 2 people are gentle by nature, artistic, romantic, very emotional and dependant on others. highly intuitive, co-operative and diplomatic people. Very good speakers but speak only when needed.
Have a sense of humour that is witty but not sarcastic.


Avoid being low on self confidence.

Avoid being inconsistent in your work plans. Stay away from depression.

Lucky dates, colours and gemstones

#good dates 2,11,20 and 29 #good days are #Monday.# lucky colours,#white, grey and cream. #Gemstone Pearls. Also crystal, quartz, moonstone and jade.

Destiny number

Destiny number 7 is ruled by Ketu. Peaceful and spiritual soul. Reserved and analytical by nature. Are intellectual, scientific and studious.

Tarot guidance

# Card of the day. Three of Cups. Learn to accept what others offer .Resolve differences with people. A card of fulfillment and reaping rewards of past investments.

For more insightful #numerology tips #Like, #Follow and #Share with #BirthdayBoy or #BirthdayGirl whose #Birthday is today. #BirthdayNumerology #todayismybirthday #DateNumerology #numbersritual
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Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

Numerology Numbers & Planets

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