
Ketu(7) and Sun(1) ruling the day


Date 25/06/2022, 7 in birthdate is ruled by Ketu. Research, analysis, understanding, investigation, intellect, observation, specialization, love of solitude, philosophy, meditation, mysticism, and the occult are the keywords associated with 7.

Alphabets Allotted: O and Z

Best Direction: Southwest

Best Profession: Artists, Actors, Occultists, Numerologists, Scientists, Arbitrators, Judges, Spiritual Masters.


The 7’s do not live an ordinary life. Calm, serene thinking, and contemplating you bring a soul in everything. You are always seeking knowledge and accomplishment and unexpected help comes to you. Passionate, charming, good-natured, sincere, witty, dignified, and gracious. However, you are reserved and selective and could be misunderstood until properly known. Your likes and dislikes are very strong. You do not like many people in the house, only a few selected ones.

Negative Traits

Reserved, inadaptability, lack of trust, aloof, confused, depressive, pride, hidden motives, being over positive, sarcastic, bad-tempered, argumentative, and lack of generosity.

Lucky dates, colors, and gemstones

#Good dates 7, 16, and 25. #Good days are Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday. #Lucky colors. #light green, light blue, and white.Gemstones #Cat’s eye.

Significance of Number 25

25, a combination of Moon(2) and Mercury(5) is not a good combination. The relationship between the Moon and Mercury is a strange one. Moon is neutral towards Mercury but Mercury has enmity with Moon. You gain understanding and experience through your failures and ultimately settle down. You suffer quite a lot in the early years of your life. You are generally proud of your artistic talents and successes, which are achieved after a great struggle. Not lucky in love affairs, but obtain financial gains through marriage. Avoid risky ventures.

Destiny Number:

Destiny or Life Path number is 1, ruled by Sun. You are known for your forbearance, patience, organizational abilities, and persistence. If spiritually inclined you become heads of spiritual organizations and real teachers. As teachers, you are very precise, clear, to the point, and adhere to the truth. But since 1 is primarily a number of worldly achievements and success it is rare to find the above combination. You people are materialistic, logical, and intellectual. Popular, attractive, and clever.

Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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