
Number play of the day


Date 29/05/2022, 2 in birthdate is ruled by Moon. The Moon gives people a fluctuating nature, a love of water, and of nurturing. It brings prosperity, respect, and honor to its natives.

Alphabets Allotted: B, K, and R

Best Direction: Northwest

Best Profession: Fine arts, actors, inventors, medical professions, nursing, herbal remedies, diplomats, arbitrators.


The 2’s are tender, artistic, and romantic by nature. You are peaceful and gentle. Lack determination and can not execute your ideas as forcefully as the 1’s can. You need people to assure you, promote and execute your ideas. You have a refined nature with good aesthetic sensibilities. You do not like quarrels and hence become good peacemakers. Good diplomats and love traveling to foreign lands. Less courageous and also less ambitious. Reserved and shy. You are also very intuitive.

Negative Traits

Self consciousness, timidity, depression, drowns in detail.

Lucky dates, colours and gemstones

#Good dates 2, 11, 20 and 29. #Good days are Monday. #Lucky colours. #White, light green, light blue, cream. #Gemstone Pearl.

Significance of Number 29

29 born is a combination of 2(Moon) and 9(Mars). You achieve great success and rise to high positions. But you feel insecure and lonely. The influence of Mars makes you restless and doubting. Avoid irritation and being short-tempered. Loving and warm-hearted.

Faith in God gives you mental peace and strength to march ahead. You are mentally very strong. Where others cannot even think, you stand erect in the group. Always keep doing something new. You should not work under mental stress. In spite of some failures in life, these people scale great heights due to their investigating mental capacity. They may have to face antagonism of family members at a very early age because of their short-tempered nature and excitement. You mostly remain away from home. However, you can derive advantages with the cooperation of elders and family members. Hence, advised keeping your anger in control

Destiny Number:

Destiny or Life Path number is 22/4, ruled by Rahu. It is not a very good destiny number.4 can take life’s jaunts and unpredictable changes through self-discipline and willpower. Always burdened with responsibilities, duties, and obligations. Not being rewarded for your labors is a foregone conclusion. Opposition at work, rubbing people the wrong way, having secret and unseen enemies are a few of the blows of fate.

Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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