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December 20, 2022/

The final of the seven chakras is the crown chakra or Sahasrara. Its inherent theme is spiritual change and connection. Thousand-petalled lotus: This symbolizes our union with the cosmos and connection to the divine. The lotus blossom represents wealth. The circle: The circle is a common symbol for infinite and cyclical nature since it is…


December 19, 2022/

The center of gravity and wisdom is the third eye chakra, also known as Ajna. Unlike the earlier chakras, this one does not represent a specific element. The third eye chakra’s yantra is a circle with just two petals, which stand in for the seed sounds. And spirituality that involves God and oneself. The inverted…


December 16, 2022/

The Vishuddha, or throat chakra, is directly related to our capacity for communication and self-expression. Being authentic is influenced by a blocked throat chakra. It illustrates the concept of the element ether, which is the emptiness-informing space. The sixteen petals of a lotus flower correspond to the sixteen Sanskrit vowels. The lightness and ease of…


December 15, 2022/

The Sanskrit term for the heart chakra, Anahata, which means unharmed, unstuck, or undefeated, is used. It is linked to the air element and is crucial for establishing a connection between the three lower chakras and the three upper chakras. The heart chakra is represented as a lotus with twelve petals, which represent the heart’s…

Root Chakra

December 9, 2022/

The root chakra, which is the first chakra, has a complicated meaning and ties to the earth element. The Mudhalara’s anchoring force and powers are strengthened by its appearance as the alchemical symbol for earth. the four-petalled lotus The four petals of the root-chakra lotus represent Manas (mind), Buddhi (intellect), Chitta (awareness), and Ahamkara, the…

Nourishing Chakras with Food, juices, and spices

December 6, 2022/

The seven energy centers known as chakras are said to be more ethereal and unseen. However, in moderation, these invisible energy points also require tangible nourishment to maintain themselves. Understanding the seven main chakras might be beneficial before indulging in a certain food:MuladharaAt the base of the spine is the first chakra, also known as…


November 30, 2022/

The word “chakra,” which means “wheel” or “disc” in Sanskrit, actually refers to a spiritual energy center within the human body. The earliest document known as the Vedas dates back to between 1,500 and 500 B.C. in India, where the chakra system first appeared. The Vedas are the oldest Sanskrit literary works as well as…

Valerie Rodriguez

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