
The conjunction of Jupiter and Rahu


Date 12/04/2022, 3 in birthdate is ruled by Jupiter. Artistic and creative talents, imagination, inspiration, the gift of words, versatility, optimism, pleasure-loving, good luck, happiness, brilliancy, cheerfulness, and merriment are the keywords for this number.

Alphabets Allotted: C, G, L, and S

Best Direction: Northeast

Best Profession: Any profession that gives a free expression of authority, army, navy, ministries, politicians, judges, lawyers, teachers, professors, philosophers, thinkers, planners.

Friendly Nos: 1, 3, 9

Enemy Nos: 6, 8

Neutral Nos: 4, 7, 5, 2

Number 3’s are ruled by Jupiter. It is regarded as the Guru, the teacher. Jupiter is considered the most benefic planet. In Astrology, Jupiter represents knowledge, wisdom, values, and offspring. It is all about growth, expansion, and good fortune. You love order and discipline. Always optimistic, creative, cheerful, inspiring, and full of humor. Hardworking throughout your life.Love success and wish to be successful in everything you do.


Scattered energies, exaggeration, unfinished projects, lack of direction, moodiness, self-centeredness, irresponsibility, insensitivity, and materialism.

Lucky dates, colors, and gemstones

#Good dates 3, 12, 21, and 30. #Good days are Thursday. Monday and Wednesday are also good. #Lucky colors. #Yellow is the best. Gemstones #Yellow Sapphire and Yellow Topaz.

Significance of Number 12

Possess a high degree of artistic talent. Highly imaginative and quick-witted. Talented in verbal and writing skills. Also acting and other performing arts. The combination of 1(Sun) and 2(Moon), pair of opposites do not make an ideal couple. These numbers always differ and this difference causes anxiety.

Destiny Number:
Destiny or Life Path number is 13/4, ruled by Rahu. It is not a very good destiny number. 4 can take life’s jaunts and unpredictable changes through self-discipline and willpower. Always burdened with responsibilities, duties, and obligations. Not being rewarded for your labors is a foregone conclusion. Opposition at work, rubbing people the wrong way, having secret and unseen enemies are a few of the blows of fate.

Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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