
Your September Numerology Report

If your birthday is the 27th and you were born in May, your birth month would be 5, and your birthday would be 27, which comes to 2+7=9. The total of birthday and birth month is 9 + 5= 14, reduced to 5. The next step is to calculate the Universal Year by writing the current year as a single digit.

The current year is 2023, and 2+0+2+3=7 is the Universal Year. Then, add the number of the Universal Year to the total of the month and day of your birth. In this case, the sum of the individual’s birthdate (9) plus birth month (5) and the Universal Calendar’s year (7) is 21. The final step is to combine the numbers to achieve a single-digit result: 2 + 1 = =3. This is your personal year. Now, add the month number September(9) to this Universal Year. 3 + 9 = 12 – 3

Month 1

You’re on an exciting and challenging path that forces you to reevaluate your priorities and those closest to you. Your circumstances may have shifted in ways you’re unaware of, opening the door to a new possibility. Get ready to take action once you know more.

Month 2

Your capacity for patience, cooperation, partnership, diplomacy, and intuition will be tested this month as the 2 energy doubles in intensity. Don’t try to steal the show or make a powerful argument. Maintain a level head and an impartial perspective by staying out of the spotlight as much as possible. Recognize the interdependencies between diverse elements. Two is the number for setting and connection.


Whatever you’re going through this month, the double-3 energy will remind you that you have a choice: you can either move towards freedom and fulfilment by listening to your own desires (which may have changed recently), or you can live an unfulfilled life because you believe your desires are unattainable or dependent on forces beyond your control.

Month 4

The disciplined 4 energy of this year may have prompted you to establish limits on your behaviour without realising the extent to which they would limit your freedom. You needed to do this earlier in the year to get your life in order. If you aren’t already organised, you should be by the end of the double-4 vibration in September. You need rest and self-compassion more than anything else right now, and you won’t get either until you do that.

Month 5

The 5-Year can catalyze positive change, but it’s ultimately up to you to make it happen. You’ve been stuck in a negative pattern of behaviour or thought that has to change immediately. It’s time to take a leap of faith and try something new, or at least take a different risk by abandoning what is clearly not working.

Month 6

You’re experiencing a shift in emphasis or importance. It’s important to remember your responsibilities in September and appreciate your close relationships. You can’t escape your feelings in a circumstance like this.

The number 6 represents BALANCE. On the other hand, it is the number of EXTREMES. While the six energy is amplified this month, you are more likely to encounter both. Pay attention to things and people that matter to you, and accept your insecurities and areas of unreasonableness.

Month 7

Everywhere around you, the 7-knowledge vibration is present, revealing how keeping your emotions hidden has hindered you from achieving your maximum potential. It’s time to put an end to suppressing your genuine feelings and welcome the emotional liberation that’s vital for your well-being.

It’s important to remember that privacy and secrecy are no longer a luxury we can enjoy. In order to truly exercise our free will, we must be open and receptive to all experiences, even those that may seem mysterious or classified. Avoid the urge to run away from the truth and instead, confront it head-on. By doing so, you will allow the power of the number 7 to guide you toward a more fulfilling and rewarding phase of your life.

Month 8

You are starting to develop a certain kind of power, but since you have never experienced it before, you can get anxious about it. Be at ease. The stress you’re feeling is the result of fighting off the surge of your own creative energy. Once you do, you’ll see that opportunity is all around you and know that you can’t go back the way you came. Focus on the current step, and use it to set up the next one.

When you know what you’re doing, you can do it with dignity and confidence. Have a growth mindset. Feel the calm and assurance that comes with an in-depth comprehension.

Month 9

The 9:9:9 vibrations that dominate September highlight FINISHING. Since many years’ worth of events have culminated this year, it’s understandable that you’ve felt a range of emotions. Put an end to suppressing your feelings. Release it! Drop it. Just do it already. And finally finish all those things you’ve been putting off. Allow the therapeutic roller coaster of September’s TRIPLE-9 vibration to bring the truth about your history to the surface, where you and maybe others can finally accept it for what it is.

Think back on your life and recall all the experiences you’ve had: the people you’ve met, the places you’ve visited, the things you’ve accomplished, the things you’ve given up and the things you’ve gained; your hopes and dreams; your fears and hopes; your passions and ideas; your tears and your laughter; your sense of accomplishment and your sense of regret.

Mrs.Lipi Banerjee

She is an NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Accountability, Strategy and DISC Assessment Coach from Master Coach University, Florida. She teaches Reiki, Numerology and other occult divination tools to enthusiastic students.

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