08/09/2020, 8 in #Birthdate is ruled by #Saturn. Among the seven most important planets of our solar system, Saturn is the farthest planet from Earth.Mercury, Venus, Rahu and Ketu are friends of Saturn. Sun , Moon and Mars are enemies and Jupiter is neutral. It rules over, nails, hairs, teeth, bones, skeleton and skin. It rules over the dark side of human awareness, such as the conscience. The awareness of right and wrong. Characteristics It is a number of confidence and determination. Strong will power and serious nature gives you the strength to handle all situations successfully. Your lives are also full of struggles but you don’t give up easily and achieve your goals after delays and obstacles. Hence it is said that no. 8 people are good fighters, politicians and scientists. You are revolutionary by nature. You have a solitary nature depending on the position of the Saturn in your chart. You are materialists and financial security is your primary concern , yet you do not run after money. Do trust your friends and subordinates as you have a streak of doubt in your nature. Avoid drugs and intoxicants. Travelling will be good for you. Lucky dates, Colours and associated gemstone #Good dates 8 17, 26. #Good days are #Saturday. #Lucky colours #Black, Dark Blue and Purple.#Gemstone Blue Sapphire.#substitutes are amethyst, black pearl and lapis lazuli. Destiny number is 3 ruled by Jupiter. Not a very good destiny number. 8 and 3 have a neutral relationship. Jupiter is believer of Dharma and Saturn does not believe in laws but respects Jupiter – who happens to be the teacher of his father, Sun. 8’s are self sufficient and do not ask for help and 3’s are teachers who do not help unless asked. So they remain good friends without much involvement and in fact 3’s bring joy and happiness in to the dry lives of 8’s. Tarot Reading #Card of the day #The Emperor. A card of leadership, often at a high level. It represents stable government, worldly wealth and power, authority and self discipline. Reversed, it indicates ego, domination, rigidity and immaturity. #LipiBanerjee
All you need to know about NeuroLinguistic Programming
What is NLP? NeuroLinguistic Programming or NLP is the practice of understanding how different individuals organise the way they think, feel, and behave in order to produce certain results. It provides individuals a method through which they can model outstanding performances that have been achieved by leaders in this field. Another use of NLP is for personal development. Mental Maps- What are they? And how are they used? Each and every person has different ways of communicating their life’s experiences. There are some that express themselves through pictures, while others like to talk about things, and others prefer to be vocal about how they feel about certain things or certain life situations. The whole perspective of such individuals is based on their feelings. A Mental Map in NLP is a technique which is used to express various human thought processing patterns, associations, pictures that are pre-existent in an individual’s mind: Neuro In NLP, the first and foremost mental map is known as the first access. Everyone has a different way of filtering and processing all the data that is being absorbed through the five senses in this world. The first access mental map built by taking into consideration various factors such as different sounds, smells, internal sensations and images, tactile awareness, and certain tastes that are formed as a result of the human neurological filtering process. Linguistic The second mental map in NLP is known as the Linguistic Map which is also called a Linguistic Representation. Once the first access is determined, then a personal meaning is given to all the information that has been gathered. The linguistic representation is built by assigning language to all the information received in the first access, thus forming everyday conscious awareness. Programming This is the behavioural response that occurs as a result of neurological filtering processes and the subsequent linguistic map. How does NLP work? A brand new approach: Neuro Linguistic Programming provides different practical ways by which you can alter the way that you think, or view past events in order to get a new improved approach to a better life. Modify Limitations: NLP is best used to detect, identify, and modify various human limitations that are in an individual’s mind map of the entire world. Don’t confuse NLP with hypnotherapy: NLP should never be confused with hypnotherapy as NLP uses a conscious approach by the use of language to bring about changes in someone’s thoughts and behaviour. NLP uses vocal processing: Many NLP practitioners detect one’s preference through language processing. It is done by the use of certain phrases such as “I see your point” that may signal a visual preference. Or some use “I hear your point” may signal an auditory preference. As an NLP therapist, you must know how to identify a person’s preference and build a therapeutic framework around it accordingly. The therapeutic framework includes various techniques such as building rapport, information-gathering and setting a goal.
What is NLP(Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
Introduction NLP was first established by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the late1970s, since then there has been widespread use of the term NLP. Assuming all human deeds are positive, how does NLP explain that, even when something negative happens? NLP comes to the sharp conclusion that if a human does something negative or bothering, it is neither good nor bad but the proposed outcome produces information that leaves room for a good learning ground for such individuals. The real meaning of NLP Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a scientific practice that is literally an approach to self-management in the area of psychology, communication, thoughts, and the behavioral aspect of a person. This approach is usually offered by an NLP practitioner to other individuals helping them maximize their embedded power to achieve great and positive goals. This approach has been useful in treating some human health-related issues such as anxiety, fears, other potential development, and possible disorders. NLP practitioners use intellectual and communication techniques to help such individuals transform their patterns of thinking and actions to a more defined and healthy way to promote not only their health and existence but to also help them uphold a positive way of life. The basics of NLP Do you know that there is a connection between the Neurology, Linguistic, and Programming of humans? The neurological process of a human being, connects to his language, then proceeds to his patterns of behavior that have been created in him via experience (programming) and all of these processes can be modified if the previous programming is not good enough for the individual or the individual is required to achieve a certain goal in life. Do not confuse NLP with hypnotherapy because the standing difference between these two is the fact that NLP uses language and communication to permeate an individual with the goal of helping them change their behavior pattern and thoughts. This processes are done without putting the client into a trance. It is a known fact that a person is shaped by their thoughts, so with NLP, an individual can have a deep understanding of how this natural chemistry works. And in the process change his / her language and thought pattern.
Numbers And Their Vibrations
Numbers are all around us. In fact we are surrounded with numbers from the time we are in our Mother’s womb. Our growth is marked with weeks and months. And then we are born on a particular day and time and we are also weighed immediately after birth. Our life journey begins. Gradually, we also start with our 1,2,3,4 counting. And that journey becomes very scary for few people as that number calculation is called MATHEMATICS/ARITHMETIC. I know that I was terrified as the years progressed. Apart from Arithmetic we need numbers in our day to day life to function. What is the significance of the Birth Date Now comes the part about which the article really is. I am talking about our Birth Date. It is also known as Psychic Number. We are all born with a purpose. We all are remarkably unique yet very similar. Whether we are born into an affluent home or a middle class family nature’s resources are for everyone to share equally.Nature does not discriminate between people.What differs is our state of mind, our attitudes and perceptions.I have been working with numbers since 2017 and before I realised they became my passion, my love.Numbers intrigue me, numbers talk to me, to say the least. Schools of Numerology There are numerous schools of Numerology-Pythagorean, Chaldean, Vedic, Chinese and lot more.Numbers makes one accept people, their thoughts, their actions…basically it makes us understand why a person is a certain way.It allows us to perceive situations and experiences in a non judgemental manner.Numbers help us to realise our strengths and weaknesses. Numbers allows us to realise the true potential coming from the power of the date we are born on and the number our name adds to. Science of Numbers Numerology is the science of numbers and needless to say I am a Numerologist.We have IQ and then we have EQ and then we have numbers assigned to us by birth and through name.Understanding the journey of life by way of numbers can be extremely intriguing.We are energy beings and we vibrate at a certain frequency. So do the numbers.When both the vibrations are in alignment life becomes a beautiful movie, to be cherished and lived joyfully.Each alphabet has been assigned a number which in turn are ruled by planets.The vibrational changes which a Numerologist makes with spelling correction are stupendous. Numbers weave magic as it bridges the gap between the desires and the outcomes. Source: https://banerjeelipi.blogspot.com/2020/07/numbers-and-their-vibrations-numbers.html
Numbers and the corresponding planet
NUMBERS, it is related to the Physical or Material aspect of numbers.The other aspect remains invisible and incomprehensible to the normal or uninitiated individual in the realm of Occult or Spiritual aspects.It is a vast and extensive subject and requires lifetime of studies. The Chaldean System is considered as “Mystic numerology” and is based on the 26 English alphabets.Chaldea is the southwest portion of Mesopotamia, also known as Sumeria. It assigns the number value from 1 to 8 to the 26 alphabets by sound. Number 9 is not assigned to any alphabet as it is considered a Holy number of God.Though there is some contradiction to this school of thought. The Chaldean system is considered to be more accurate than Pythagorean system.Numerology is believed to have existed before Christ.Only in the past 100 years it’s claimed a place in the Occult Divination. Enough about the boring history of Numbers.Now we will delve into the numbers and Days allotted to Planets. The number of Sun is 1(positive), the day is Sunday and Zodiac is Leo.The number of Uranus is 4(negative ), the day is Sunday and Zodiac is Leo. The number of Moon is 2(negative), the day is Monday and Zodiac is Cancer.The number of Neptune is 7(positive), the day is Monday and Zodiac is Cancer. The number of Saturn is 8, the day is Saturday and Zodiac is Capricon.The -ve 8 has the Zodiac Aquarius. The number of Jupiter is 3, the day is Thursday and Zodiac is Saggitarius. The -ve 3 has the Zodiac Pisces. The number of the Mars is 9, the day is Tuesday and Zodiac is Aries.The -ve 9 has the Zodiac Scorpio.The number of Venus is 6, the day is Friday and Zodiac is Taurus.The -ve 6 has the Zodiac Libra. The number of Mercury is 5, the day is Wednesday and Zodiac is Gemini.The number -ve 5 has the Zodiac Virgo. The Sun and Uranus are interrelated as is the Moon and Neptune. So when Uranus and Neptune where discovered each were given one of the double numbers of Sun and the Moon. There is a strong affinity between 1-4 and 2-7. Numbers 1 to 9 are divided in this manner. Nos. 1,5 & 7 are strong masculine numbers.They are the go getters, initiators, leaders. They keep the wheels of fortune moving. Nos. 2, 4 & 8 are the feminine counterparts of the masculine numbers. They collect details, manage things. No. 8 is karmic and Mystic. Nos. 3, 6 & 9 are the gifted numbers of nature. They carry and enjoy rewards of past good deeds. Nos.1,3,5,7 & 9 are compatible with each other.They are introvert and concerned with themselves. No.9 is different, it is concerned with the welfare of others, as it is unselfish. Source: https://banerjeelipi.blogspot.com/2020/08/numbers-and-corresponding-plane.html
The Interpretations Of Single Numbers
NO. 1: The Sun (Numbers 1-4). 1 corresponds to Aries.Alphabets allotted: A, I, J, Q and YKeywords: Individuality, Originality, Authority, Ambition, Male. NO. 2: The Moon (Numbers 2-7). 2 corresponds to Taurus.Alphabets allotted: B, K and R.Keywords: Passivity, Duality, Receptivity, Creativity, Changeable and Female. NO. 3: Jupiter (Number 3).Alphabets allotted: C, G, L and S.Keywords: Expansion, Optimism, Justice, Expression, Joy of living. NO.4: Uranus/Rahu.Alphabets allotted: D, M and T.Keywords: Practicality, Rigidity, Loyalty, Construction, Real Estate. No. 5: Mercury.Alphabets allotted: H, E, N and X.Keywords: Freedom, Adaptability, Travel, Speech and Writing, Inconsistency. No. 6: Venus.Alphabets allotted: U, V and W.Keywords: Love, Art, Luxury, Marriage, Beauty, Harmony, Sensuality. No. 7: Neptune/ Ketu.Alphabets allotted: O and ZKeywords: Divinity, Mental Analysis, Occultism, Spirituality, Wisdom. No.8: Saturn.Alphabets allotted: F and P.Keywords: Executive ability, Materialism, Power. No. 9: Mars.No alphabet is allotted to this number as this number is considered as a Holy number.Keywords: Artistic, Genius, Humanitarianism, Spirituality, Universal Love. In Chaldean Numerology, it isn’t enough to know about the single numbers. One has to understand the “compound” or “double” numbers also. The single numbers simply represent the physical outward appearance of a person’s name, whereas the compound number represents the deeper, metaphysical and hidden influences behind the name. Today I will end my post with these interpretations, keywords and the planets associated with the numbers. Surce: https://banerjeelipi.blogspot.com/2020/08/the-interpretations-of-single-numbers.html
Who is an accountability partner?
If you are having problems in keeping commitments, you probably need an accountability coach. An accountability partner is an individual who helps other individuals keep commitments. It is a valuable relationship. A study conducted at the University of Scranton made some interesting findings: As much as 92 percent of people without accountable partners fail to accomplish their New Year’s resolutions. So, there is a strong chance you are missing a lot by going without an accountability partner. Here are the benefits of having an accountability partner Another perspectiveIt is impossible to be good in every area of your industry, or anything else you may be doing. No one really expects you to. An AP is a valuable resource in helping you to look at situations from different perspectives. The AP will always have a different interpretation of challenges. This is essential in helping you make correct and unbiased decisions. Inbuilt cheerleaderMost of the time, our relatives and friends don’t really understand what is happening in our lives or businesses. It isn’t their fault. But if you have an AP with you, you know you have someone close to you who will celebrate your wins and see you through your struggles. Personal challengerIn life, you need someone who can challenge you to do the impossible or a person who can challenge what you believe in. Most of our friends and relatives would be afraid to challenge you even when they know you are wrong. An AP can serve as a personal challenger who would push you to the limits and help you achieve what you might have never achieved on your own. Basically, an AP keeps you grounded in reality, more than anyone else could. Whether you are a business owner or a person looking forward to improving your life, you need an accountability partner.
This is what to look for in an accountability partner
Five steps to succeed with your accountability partner What can you do to get the most out of your accountability partner? These are the things you should do on your part to ensure that the partnership brings the desired results: Start by choosing the best AP you can find You don’t want to end up with an incompetent AP. Start by hiring the AP that meets your criterion. While referrals may be helpful, it is prudent to do the searching yourself. Social media is one of the places you won’t need to look hard to find the right AP. I may be the right person for your accounting needs. Consider hitting my DM if you are interested. Declare the variables What do you wish to achieve during the partnership? What are your goals and objectives? Do you have anything special you would like to let your AP know before the start of the partnership? Be sure to outline everything you want to get out of the partnership. Prepare weekly accountability statements. Remember, your AP is here to coach you into becoming an accountable person. For this reason, it is prudent to list down the items (accountability statements) you promise your AP to complete before you meet again in the next meeting. Basically, they are milestones or small actions that are part of a larger goal that you need to achieve. You should only proceed to the next milestone after realizing the current. It must not be a 500-page statement. A brief accountability statement is always better and follows the ACT rule. A – Actionable: Do you have control over the goals? Are they realistic? Do you stand a chance of achieving them? C – Clear: The statement should be crystal clear and devoid of equivocation T – Time-bound: A good accountability statement should put deadlines on commitments. Often, the deadline is the date of the next meeting.