Date of birth
Rahu rules the date 04/01/2023, 4 in birthday. Cancer, the fourth sign of the Zodiac, corresponds. Practicality, Loyalty, Rigidity, Construction, Real Estate, Possessions, and Materialism are all characteristics.
Alphabets D, M, and T have been assigned.
Rahu/Uranus’ influence causes rapid and consistent ups and downs in the life of the inhabitants. You lose your ability to discriminate and make sound decisions. You must struggle and fight for all you desire in life. You must enjoy establishing your own laws. You have the capacity to be a renegade. Excellent conversationalist, polite and passionate. It is the first material number and is constantly concerned with the financial stability of itself and its loved ones. Frequently receive huge inheritances and riches, which they may waste or use for unorthodox purposes. You are the most generous to the underdogs and are devoted to your connections.
Southwest is the best direction.
Politicians, Lawyers, Planners, Reformists, Lawmakers, Engineers, Builders, and Contractors are the best profession