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Number Guidance of the day

July 11, 2022/

Birthdate Date 11/07/2022, 2 in birthdate is ruled by Moon. Corresponds to Taurus, the second Zodiac sign. Mother, female, passivity, duality, receptivity, creativity, and changeable. Alphabets Allotted: B, K, and R Characteristics: The 2 represent the gentleness of nature, imagination, artistic and romantic temperament, and an inherent duality. You are restless and unsettled and live…

Number play of the day

July 10, 2022/

Birthdate Date 10/07/2022, 1 in birthdate is ruled by Sun. Corresponds to Aries, the first Zodiac. Leadership, courage, initiative, originality, individuality, creativity, executive ability, will, and determination are some of the keywords of this number. Characteristics:Number 1’s are the original thinkers. With leadership qualities, you attain power and position wherever you work. Quick in decisions…

Today’s Number Explanation

July 6, 2022/

Birthdate Date 06/07/2022, 6 in birthdate is ruled by Venus. Corresponds to Virgo, the 6th sign of the Zodiac. Love, Art, Luxury, Marriage, Beauty, Harmony. Understanding. A strong sense of responsibility, art, balanced, humanitarian, righteousness, love of home, loyal, dependable are some keywords. Characteristics: This number represents beauty, love, reproduction, and youth. Governs love, romance,…

Mercurial 5 in the day

July 5, 2022/

Date 05/07/2022, 5 in birthdate is ruled by Mercury. Expansiveness, new and visionary ideas, quick thinking, versatile and ever-changing, action-oriented, curious and exploring, resourceful in using freedom constructively. Alphabets Allotted: E, H, N, and X Best Direction: North Best Profession: Businessmen, Bankers, Stockbrokers, Medical People, Lawyers, Writers, Singing, Dancing, Acting, and Painting. Friendly Nos: 1,…

The two Gurus come together

June 30, 2022/

Birthdate Date 30/06/2022, 3 in birthdate is ruled by Jupiter. It represents justice, fair judgment, expansion, humanitarianism, creativity, spiritualism, optimism, and opportunism. Dynamism and ambition are the keywords for this psychic number. Alphabets Allotted: C, G, L, and S Best Direction: Northeast Best Profession: Any profession that gives a free expression of authority, army, navy,…

Sun and Rahu in Conjunction

June 28, 2022/

Birthdate Date 28/06/2022, 1 in birthdate is ruled by Sun. Individualistic and Independent. A pioneering spirit, executive abilities, extraordinary will and determination, courage, strong leadership skills, and inventive ideas are some of the defining keywords. Alphabets Allotted: A, I, J, Q, and Y Best Direction: East Best Profession: Politicians, Leaders, Heads of Business Houses, Entrepreneurs,…

Mars and Jupiter conjunction

June 27, 2022/

Birthdate Date 27/06/2022, 9 in birthdate is ruled by Mars. Signifies regeneration, new birth, spirituality, premonitions, clairvoyance, clairaudience, prediction, and mystery. It is the number of energy, activity, and the warrior. Characteristics: The 9’s have a strong sense of purpose, are duty-bound and self-confident, have order, discipline, patience, bravery courage, and humanitarianism. You are courageous…

Day of Lord Saturn

June 26, 2022/

Birthdate Date 26/06/2022, 8 in birthdate is ruled by Saturn. It is a planet of darkness and rules over the dark side of human nature, conscience, and awareness of moral rights and wrongs. This was always considered the number of death but it is also a number of Resurrection, Rejuvenation, The Rising from the ashes…

Ketu(7) and Sun(1) ruling the day

June 25, 2022/

Birthdate Date 25/06/2022, 7 in birthdate is ruled by Ketu. Research, analysis, understanding, investigation, intellect, observation, specialization, love of solitude, philosophy, meditation, mysticism, and the occult are the keywords associated with 7. Alphabets Allotted: O and Z Best Direction: Southwest Best Profession: Artists, Actors, Occultists, Numerologists, Scientists, Arbitrators, Judges, Spiritual Masters. Characteristics: The 7’s do…

Number play of the day

June 24, 2022/

Birthdate Date 24/06/2022, 6 in birthdate is ruled by Venus. A strong sense of responsibility, art, balanced, humanitarian, justness, righteousness, love of home, loyal, and dependability are some of the keywords. Alphabets Allotted: U, V, and W Best Direction: Southeast Best Profession: Artists, Actors, Occultists, Orators, Art critics, Editors, Journalists, Poets. Characteristics: The 6’s are…

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Valerie Rodriguez

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